Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 4/30/2007 09:56:00 PM

I have a new favorite band.



Published by John on 4/30/2007 01:54:00 PM

Get ready for the VIOLENCE OF THE LAMBS!

Another must see summer epic.


Published by John on 4/30/2007 09:51:00 AM

Jeremy--I'll take a look at it tonight.

Published by Jeremy on 4/29/2007 12:53:00 AM

Thanks for the warning, John. ;D
I'm still looking forward to working there.

Question for ya' - The bottom plate on my powerbook is starting to separate from the case pretty badly. It has had the small gap in the front since you'd cracked it open to replace the DVD drive, but now it is just hanging there on the front corner by the battery, where there are no bottom screws.

I don't see anything along that metal that could possibly have been used to secure it to the case except for some sticky dirt. Are those bottom plates just glued along that edge? (If that is the case, I'll be removing it, cleaning it up, and putting it back on again...)

Published by John on 4/26/2007 09:16:00 AM

Jeremy--Congrats on your big news this week. Watch out I here that here is a real beyatch that works there :)

Published by Jeremy on 4/25/2007 10:57:00 PM

So how does the caster-level of the spell work when you spend one of your spell-slots? Does it still get cast at the level of the wand, or does it bump it up as if you'd cast it yourself?

Published by Bubbles on 4/25/2007 12:31:00 PM

Yes indeed. Now I wont spend millions on high level wands.

Published by John on 4/25/2007 08:23:00 AM

Holy shit Bubbles that is a totally perfect fit for your character. Did you take it?

Published by Bubbles on 4/24/2007 04:17:00 PM

ZOMG!!! I just found the greatest feat ever in complete arcane.

Master Wand
When you activate a wand, you can expend a spell slot instead of using a charge.


Published by Jeremy on 4/24/2007 01:34:00 AM

I've found my new class. It is perfect, and I only need 2 levels to get everything I want. (Hey, I'm two levels behind! Woohoo!) And it would only require the slightest amount of DM approval to OK the class requirements!


Non-Lawful. +6 BaB.
Feats- Exotic Weapon Prof. Bastard Sword
Special- Must have fled, or been exiled from the service of a feudal lord.

I've since made good, but I left the Dwarves due to my own dishonor.
As long as you'll OK my fullblade as an "exotic, Cloud Giant sized bastard sword..." that'll work. <.<

1st: Sneak Attack +1d6, Infamy
2nd: Banzai Charge

Infamy - The ronin's reputation for dishonor - deserved or not - follows him everywhere. Whenever someone in a position of authority has heard of the ronin's past (usually through a DC10 Gather information or Knowledge check), that person's attitude starts one category worse than usual, and the ronin takes a -4 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks involving that person. The infamy penalty only applies if the authority figure knows the ronin's identity.

The stories of the killings in Greyhawk are hard to forgive.

Banzai Charge - The ronin has cast away the code of bushido and at least a measure of his own honor, but his heart still remembers the thrill of bravery. When a ronin of 2nd level or higher charges into battle, he can accept a variable penalty to his AC and take an equivalent bonus on the damage roll. The normal -2AC penalty still applies and counts towards the bonus, but the ronin cannot accept a penalty smaller than -2 or larger than his base attack bonus.

(+20 Damage to a charge attack, in exchange for a -20 to AC? Uh... ok.)

Published by Bubbles on 4/24/2007 12:20:00 AM

That site is pretty awesome.

John Said that the Hasselhof thing was the greatest thing ever, but I'm pretty sure THIS is soooo much better.


Published by Jeremy on 4/23/2007 11:45:00 PM


A web page that finds awesome things, and then puts them all in the same place so you can look at them and go "woah... awesome things."

Published by Jeremy on 4/23/2007 06:07:00 AM

Microsoft can indeed suck my balls.

Farva, if you happen to check the blog before coming over Monday, bring whatever XP/Recovery disk came with this POS emachine.

Published by John on 4/21/2007 06:26:00 PM

A few observations....

1. Microsoft Windows can suck my balls!

2. Those short socks with ruffles that were popular with the ladies in the 80s still make me all sweaty :) I was watching Night of the Comet! Kelli Maroney was super hot!!!

3. Jesse James meets Frankenstein's daughter is a really shitty movie.

That is all for now.

Published by John on 4/21/2007 06:24:00 PM

Jeremy--Call Jean Spenser 330.262.0916 ext 237

Published by Jeremy on 4/20/2007 04:19:00 AM

John - You happen to have any idea when I should expect a call regarding that Library position?

Edit - Nevermind... got a call from the library today. Had a missed number from the film department this morning at 10am. Must have slept through it. Of course, my voice mail is still fucked up. I think I finally got it straightened out after about 15 minutes on the phone with Alltel.

I never should have left TracPhone. As much as Tech Support: India irritated me, at least the damned phones worked.

Can you ask Jenn who I'm supposed to talk to? I'll give 'em a call back Monday.

Farva - The parts came in for your Dad's computer. Got the new PSU and MB installed, and everything boots, so the chip and memory are fine. Windows is all fubar'd, though this is pretty much expected whenever you change a motherboard. (The old drivers aren't compatible with the new board, so it makes it crash whenever it tries to load. Can't even get into Safe Mode.)

I don't have an XP disk with me here at work, so I'll have to see what I can do when I get home. Though I think I ran into this problem last time I worked on that system. It uses one of those fuck-worthless "recovery disks" doesn't it- and not a real copy of Windows?

I think I had to back everything up, recover, then copy the shit back over last time you had me work on this machine. Which won't help at all, since the original drivers are what is causing the problems in the first place. And I can't just install using my disk, cause those OEM keys are no good with retail disks.

I may have to find you a cracked version (Yarr!) just to get this machine working again.

Published by Bubbles on 4/20/2007 02:20:00 AM

Mmmm Meat Wallet.

But I found mine, haha. It was at Noah's

Published by Jeremy on 4/19/2007 10:34:00 PM

Bubbles, I've found you a new wallet.

Published by Bubbles on 4/18/2007 01:08:00 PM

Yeah I'm pretty sure I did, it could be at Noah's though, I still need to check there.

Published by John on 4/18/2007 10:21:00 AM

OH NOES there is a Chinese dude somewhere wrecking Bubbles' credit rating!!!!

I kid. Dude it really sucks that you lost your wallet.

Published by Jeremy on 4/18/2007 06:51:00 AM

Bubbles, I checked the front seat and floor of my car, and don't see a wallet anywhere. Are you sure you had it coming out of the buffet?

Published by John on 4/17/2007 06:34:00 PM

Dustin--Awesome sight. I watched the South Park episode Make Love not Warcraft again. Funny funny shit.

Published by Jeremy on 4/17/2007 02:04:00 AM

John - Baahaa... those would have been great. Maybe you could just get them made into pins instead. :)

Farva might need a new Blogger invite. He'd asked me to get it working for him again, on one of my computers, since he's still unable to get it to work on his. I forgot to ask 'em about it. I'll have to do that in a few days when the parts for his Dad's PC finally come in.

Farva - PC parts shipped. They'll arrive probably Wednesday. If the MB was the only thing fried, it should be back up and running by Friday.)

Dustin - Awesome page.

Bubs - You think you dropped it in my car? I didn't see anything in the seat, but I'll go take a look when I get home. (I drove Amber's car to work tonight.)

Published by Dustin on 4/17/2007 12:45:00 AM

Best web site ever http://quicksilverscreen.com/

Published by Bubbles on 4/16/2007 10:29:00 PM

Jeremy last week when you dropped me off after the buffet I think my wallet may have fell out of my pocket, I would of said something today but I forgot untill Farva and I started talking that you were the one that dropped me off and not Farva. If you could check when you get the chance it would be much appreciated.

Published by John on 4/16/2007 03:21:00 PM

There is a new law on the streets. HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN!



Published by John on 4/16/2007 02:52:00 PM

Holy shit it's Dustin! Hehe no worries have fun at the Applebees. Hey guys if Scott doesn't show up tonight we could all go and eat food that Dustin makes for us :)

Published by Dustin on 4/16/2007 02:40:00 PM

Hey everyone, Im not going to be able to make t to the game today. I gotta be at work at 4:00.

Published by Bubbles on 4/16/2007 12:35:00 PM

I think Farva said something about needing another invite to the blog or something.

Published by John on 4/16/2007 10:10:00 AM

Sup dudes? Tonight should be Scott's game I think. I will be there at 5:30ish, but will check the blog before I leave work. Just in case something happens and the game doesn't get played I'll bring some movies. I will check the blog around 4:30 just in case so leave me a message.

Oh yeah could someone remind me to check with Scott and Dustin (yeah sure he will show) about their invites? I keep forgetting to ask them if they got them. Also I don't remember if Farve can post anymore.

Every year at the College of Wooster we do a staff shirt. I suggested that this year the below image be on our shirts. I thought that it was funny, but alas they chose something else.

Published by John on 4/09/2007 10:16:00 AM

So are we having a game tonight? I'll keep checking the blog to see if anyone responds, otherwise I'll be at Jeremy's tonight ready to get my Frohike on!

I've sent Dustin and Scott invitations again to rejoin us on the blog. As of yet it doesn't appear that they have responded.

Published by John on 4/06/2007 09:39:00 AM


So Grindhouse opens tonight and we are trying to get a group together to go and see it. I know that I had mentioned seeing it in a Drive-in (which I still plan on doing!) but the lovely Ohio weather has delayed the opening of the Drive-in for at least a week. They say they may open for next weekend. This means that we are going to have to see the movie here in town at the Movies 10. We plan on seeing the 9pm show so if you want to go meet us there. I also think that we may get some food before the movie so give me a call if you want to go.

Published by Jeremy on 4/06/2007 02:23:00 AM


Best I can tell the power supply and MB on your Dad's computer is shot. Surge must have went through the cheap PSU and fried something on the board. Chip may still be salvageable, but I can't test it, 'cause I don't have access to a 478-socket MB.

I can get a new MB for about $50. (The super-cheap $25 boards are out of stock, so who knows when or if they'll come back.) Plus about $15 for a cheap PSU. (Ends up being about $75 shipped.) Then you hope the chip is OK. (It probably is... but it'd be another week + another $40 for the chip.)

Or you can do what you'd asked about, give your Dad your MB and processor, and go ahead and replace your own. New stuff is cheaper than trying to find replacements for the old parts- no joke. Athlon 64 2.0GHz dual-cores w/ motherboard starting at about $130. (Though you'd have to remember the cost of a new video card & RAM, depending on what there is to salvage out of your machine. You'd also mentioned wanting to go to the PCI-X video...)

Basically, figure on about $100 to fix the old one, or $200-250+ (depending on your budget, and the amount of ass you want to kick) to upgrade yours and give him your old parts.

Oh, and Happy Easter, n' stuff...

Published by John on 4/04/2007 01:35:00 PM

Must not allow the cat pictures to die!

Published by John on 4/04/2007 01:29:00 PM

Wow so Scott called me last night to apologize about Monday. Apparently he forgot that it was his week to run the game. So that means that Scott, Farve and myself all missed the game. Sorry Jeremy I suppose that meant you had to hang out with Bubbles all by yourself (pretty creepy eh?). Seriously though I'm really sorry. I spent part of the afternoon at the vets office because I thought that my beagle Wolfgang was having a stroke. As it turns out he is just having issues with his nervous system (still could be a tumor). Bottom line was I really wouldn't of been fun to be around.

On a lighter note it appears that the lovely Mrs. Shatz and the lovely Mrs. Nester are going to hang out together on Friday night so Jason and I can organize a group of us to go see Grindhouse. If anyone is interested in seeing this movie with us please call or email me before the end of work on Friday.

Jeremy--Jason is going to talk to you on Thursday night.

Published by John on 4/02/2007 04:00:00 PM

Guys sorry for the late notice but I can't come to the game tonight. Also Farve called me last night and told me that he may not make it tonight as well.