Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 9/29/2004 10:45:00 AM

All-- You guys did amasingly well last night, xp earned was 4203.

Published by Anonymous on 9/26/2004 10:32:00 PM

John--Oh, sure. I miscounted my points anyhow, so I may not be able to use it with this character anyhow. *shrugs*

It's a potential rule variant for the people who have "way too much education", as it helps prevent overpowered skills. :)

Published by John on 9/26/2004 10:15:00 AM

Caroline--That could work. I want to think about it before I say yes/no. Cool?

Published by Anonymous on 9/23/2004 12:33:00 AM

John--Here's another idea on what to do with extra occupational points. Let the person pick another skill, but it has to fit within the concept of their occupation or their history. For instance, Professors could benefit from a third academic specialty, more Languages, Photography, Computer Use, etc. DM's call, obviously.

Published by John on 9/21/2004 10:08:00 AM

Dustin--That sounds like an excellent plan of action. See you next week.

Published by Anonymous on 9/21/2004 09:04:00 AM

John-- No matter how badly I want to get in the last word, I call it settled in two conditions. The first, is that you accept my appoligiy for not posting in a more artciulate manner or contacting you in another way, and second, that my game continues and that you continue to play.

Published by John on 9/21/2004 07:43:00 AM

We play my game tonight and every other Tuesday from here on out, as required by Dustin's work schedule. If Dustin chooses to his game will run on the alternate Tuesdays. This is the schedule unless I hear otherwise. If need be and Dustin's game is done I can/will run mine every week until another one is started. As much as I dig CoC it would be cool if the every week thing didn't last too long.

Dustin--Lets settle this. You can't attend my game because of work, and I won't attend your game due to our difference of opinion. This works out best for everyone. This entire conversation will be dropped. Deal?

Published by Anonymous on 9/20/2004 09:29:00 PM

Dustin--No one wants you to quit your job. Arbitrarily imposed schedules are a horrible, horrible thing.

I believe everyone still wants to play in your game. (If I'm wrong, someone post saying so.) We are frustrated that you had been showing up late or not showing up at all, but that doesn't mean we want to stop playing in your game.

John and Dustin--Will you two work it out who runs when, please? I don't think any of us players care about the exact details of the alternating schedule, we just want games each week and to know which stuff to bring.

Have a happy Monday!


Published by John on 9/20/2004 03:25:00 PM

Jeremy--Is it a naughty feeling?

Dustin--Conversation over. I could call you names, but most of them are far over you limited vocabulary. I guess I'll not bother with it.

Published by Jeremy on 9/20/2004 12:46:00 PM

I'm torn.

Worlds of Warcraft comes out in a few weeks.

Saga of Ryzom is out today. I've been watching the trailers for this game, and it's been giving me a special feeling.

In my pants.

Published by Anonymous on 9/20/2004 12:27:00 PM

John-- I appoligise for not begging permission to swith Tuesdays, apparently I made a few too many assumptions, the first was that people were having fun and wanted to continute to play in my game, the second was that you would be ok with moving your game so that I could still run mine, and the third was that you didn't want me to quite my job so that I could conform to your scheduel. If any of my assumptions are incorrect let me know.

Published by John on 9/20/2004 10:08:00 AM

All--I will be running my game on Tuesday. I have lots of funs stuff. If need be and Dustin sticks to his post I will be able to run my game every week until someone else is ready.

Dustin--Of for christsakes! I took exception with you because of your behavior that annoyed me. I put just as much effort into my game as you do yours. You have a tendancy to be a bit selfish at times. For example just moving the schedule around without asking. I have friends who wanted to join the CoC game, and I already told them when to come. This combined with your habit of just not showing up for your game recently has me a little bent out of shape. The game itself isn't a big deal, but your bailing on your friends is. I may be the only vocal person, but I can't believe that I'm the only one who feels that way. So what now? You have a problem with me I wont' come to your game, that fix it? Don't take your "ball" and go home on my account. I would reconsider you canceling your game, you going to feel pretty silly when you get your panties out of the bunch they are currently in. If you really feel that you can't continue, so be it! Please think about if first.

Published by Anonymous on 9/19/2004 12:04:00 AM

Dustin--It's your choice to cancel your game. But it's a petty act. John calmed down from earlier; you should too.

Someone let me know if we're playing on Tuesday, through all the name-calling.

Published by Anonymous on 9/18/2004 03:10:00 PM

Shatzer-- I don't really care If you want to move your game or not, If you don't, then there will be no more drow game, and no I didn't know that the schedule was gonna change when I played the cthlu game, I was just having fun, which is the point of playing any game. You know what, bite me, my game is canceled permanently.

Published by Jeremy on 9/16/2004 02:37:00 PM

FYI Gamers - I will not be at the game tonight- due to schedule conflicts, I will no longer be coming to the Thursday game sessions. Apologies in advance.

I will still be attempting to make the Tuesday game, assuming everyone figures out what the hell is going on. ;)

Published by Jeremy on 9/16/2004 02:28:00 PM

Shatz- Honestly, I feel $100 is far too much for the helm and gun even if it WAS a metal cast. (No offense, but for a company that's supposedly making stormtrooper armor, that Dread helmet is a piece of shit. Hell, the front visor is a sheet of clear plastic cut that looks like it was cut from a 2-litre bottle, and hot-glued to the facepiece. That, and the "ammo select" display on the side of the Lawgiver is a really amature job...

I found out the gun was plaster, since the barrel was "bent." I attempted to straigten it, and snapped the fucker clean off. The repair isn't a big deal- I'll just drill a hole in both ends, stuff a dowel in there to hold it steady, fill the crack with epoxy plumbers putty and paint over the scar.

I got no problems listing it. That's why the seller pays all E-bay fees. If it doesn't sell, he covers the listing and reserve fees. If it doesn't sell, all I'm out is a bit of time...

He does know the rest of this stuff probably isn't going to sell for much, right? We're talking a few bucks on average for the action figures, if they sell at all...

Supplimental- I'll make sure to check the boxes before I sell them. If I find anything, I'll let you know.

Published by John on 9/16/2004 12:57:00 PM

Jeremy--D'oh the name of the fake company is CyberDyne. FiberDyne are the guys that made the helmet and gun. As far as the gun goes I hadn't seen it. Do you think that 100 is unreasonable now? You da ebay guy so you would know. Also my wife thinks that you may have some non game stuff in the boxes of board games that I gave you on Saturday. If so please don't sell it and let me know what it is. If it is already listed send me an email and I'll ask her if it was something she wanted to sell.

Dustin--Upon further review I'm not sure that you intended me to run my game this Tuesday. If you didn't please disregard some of my rant. Notice I said some of my rant, moving my game without asking still sucks. Mostly because I have a couple of players coming from the College. Also did you know that you weren't going to be able to play anymore this past Tuesday? If so was that why you went a little nuts with the kicking down of the door? Just asking.

Published by John on 9/16/2004 12:46:00 PM

Jeremy--His name is Richard Duda. He is my brother in law. The name of the group is CyberDyne (I think!). The name is a take off on company from Terminator I think.

Dustin--Okay honestly dude you need to learn some manners. You have just told all the players that I'm moving my game to this Tuesday and will be prepared to run it. Did you ask me if I was okay with that? NO! Now of course I'm happy to do it, but that isn't the point. I wouldn't think to commit you to something without asking if you were okay with it. Honestly would it of killed you to call or email me? Hell you could of even asked me on the blog (even if it is ass slow to load most of the time!). All that being said I will run my game this Tuesday and then alternate every other week after that. I will also have my game prepared if/when the Tuesday comes that you are unable to wake your butt up :-/

Published by Jeremy on 9/15/2004 06:50:00 PM

Shatz - For the records, who is this guy I'm selling stuff for again?

And who did you say the Dread helmet was made by? (BTW- that "metal" Lawgiver is cast plaster....)

Published by Anonymous on 9/15/2004 12:06:00 PM

John-- bite me, I was there before you.

All-- My schedule for work has changed, I will now be working on Tuesdays during the day every other week from 3-9 pm. My game that is scheduled for Tuesday the 21'st will be postponed until the following Tuesday, and then my game will alternate with Shatzmans on Tuesday as normal, which also means, that I will have to drop the cthulu game.

Published by John on 9/14/2004 12:27:00 PM

I have some good stuff for everyone tonight! See you guys at 6pm. Oh yeah someone needs to smack Dustin to wake him up!

Published by Anonymous on 9/14/2004 01:35:00 AM

Grunt, Growl, and Tear: lighthearted game of brutal monster combat where you dismember your opponents, attach the "liberated" limbs to your body, and use the second-hand body parts to claw your way to victory

Published by John on 9/13/2004 04:43:00 PM

Holy crap it doesn't take a couple of days for the blog to load!

Everyone--Please remember to bring your character backround for the CoC game.

Jeremy--Yep the game rocks!

Published by Jeremy on 9/10/2004 04:34:00 PM

Wooooooo! Hey Shatz, I just got invited to the Warcraft Stress Test! After a fuckin' two GIG download, I finally got it to install properly, and have been playing all freakin' night!

Almost no lag. Gets a bit choppy in near the cities, but nothing bad enough to mess with gameplay.

Sweet, damned sweet game. I'm one of those big Minotaur guys. A hunter. Big axe. Big gun. Mahahaa!

I've only got three days to get my fix, though. Stress test ends on the 12th.

Damn you and your beta invite. Damn you to hell, I say!

Published by Anonymous on 9/09/2004 02:16:00 PM

So yeah. It's September, but tentative spring schedules are out.

I will have Spring class on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and possibly even more nights.

*sigh* I mayneed to drop Spring gaming due to work shifts or shift my lone playable night to Monday. Dunno yet. Stupid schedules.

Published by John on 9/08/2004 08:07:00 AM

Dustin--I ran my Cthulu game. I still need to run it next week, I may have a new player coming then. So I guess your's in 2 weeks?

Published by Anonymous on 9/08/2004 01:03:00 AM

Good morning, Im realy sorry, I had set 3 seperate alarm clocks, and had been awake for like 3o some ode hours.

Published by John on 9/07/2004 10:42:00 AM

Jeremy--Street punk? Hmmmm.... sounds cool. I'll have my stuff with me tonight, since Dustin won't show up for a couple of hours :-P

Published by Anonymous on 9/06/2004 08:04:00 PM


Published by Jeremy on 9/06/2004 04:20:00 AM

Uh. Damn.

Hey Shatz- Pop on E-bay and do a search for "Warcraft Beta."

Published by Jeremy on 9/03/2004 03:50:00 PM

Shatz- Guessing from the names of the Cthulu minis, I'm guessing there is a "Street Punk" character class? I think I'm going to go with that. If you want to meet sometime this weekend to flesh it out, lemmie know.

Published by John on 9/03/2004 03:11:00 PM

Sheesh doens't anyone like to post? :-P

Caroline--The more I look at the faith rules for CoC the more I like them. It fills a void in the game. Still haven't decided if I will use them or not.

All--Each player who has a interesting backstory on how his investigator first discovered the Unknown will get something cool in game. I haven't decided what yet, but it will be worth the effort.

Published by John on 9/02/2004 09:46:00 AM

Caroline--Actually the faith rules for CoC could be kind of cool..... seriously!

Published by Anonymous on 9/01/2004 05:46:00 PM

This seems to be the basic Chaosium system, although it leaves out some of the specific CoC setting information.

This page, in general, seems to have useful info.

Here's info on what Christian gamers think about Call of Cthulhu. *snickers* (pages 16-20)

These two links are a houseuled Character Creation system and Setting.