Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2003 08:04:00 PM

John--Would "Decanter of Endless Water" count as "immersing a vampire in running water"?
Sunday--My wizard has an extra ring of proc +1, since I miscounted the # of rings she has. Anybody want it, or should it be party treasure?
Good Groups--The arcane caster of any of our good groups should get Conditional Spell (6th Level Spell from Eld) and Vampiric Weapon (3rd Level spell from R&R2). Spell trigger for Conditional Spell--When the paladin casts Divine Sacrifice. Pity the paladin would only gain half the HP inflicted, and only as Temp HP... *evil grin*
The Monday Group casters should get Vampiric Weapon or Vampiric Touch.