Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 7/31/2003 03:57:00 PM

I actually decided to let you guys make the characters, it won't take long at all.

Published by Dr Who on 7/31/2003 03:02:00 PM

Yeah. that's fine. I just need to decide what type of super hero to be.....

Published by Anonymous on 7/31/2003 01:56:00 PM

Shatz- Dustin said he would probably be showing up tonight. Don't know if you're still pre-generating characters for the game. He wanted to be a Flash knockoff.

Published by John on 7/31/2003 10:14:00 AM

Wayne--You are planning on playing your D&D game tonight? I thought that we had planned on my Super hero game tonight, with your game next week.

Published by Anonymous on 7/31/2003 08:52:00 AM

The band with the best inspiration. Another site for them. Yet another site for them. Legal MP3s.

Published by Anonymous on 7/31/2003 04:36:00 AM

I particularly liked the summation of appropriate and inappropriate places to say Fuck.

Published by Anonymous on 7/31/2003 02:14:00 AM

I never thought I'd ever say this- but this lawyer is my new hero.

"Some movies such as Scarface, Porky's, and Goodfellas are known for the extensive use of the family of Fuck words. (Fuck, Fucking, Fucker, Fuckface, Fucked, Absofuckinglutely, etc.)"

Published by Dr Who on 7/31/2003 01:35:00 AM

Hello, all. Yes, It is 2:30 AM and i am posting. I just wanted to let everyone know that today is d&d andit should be interesting. Lots of fun stuff ahead. Hope you alll have a nice day. :-)

Published by Anonymous on 7/30/2003 11:54:00 PM

CD - broken link

Published by Anonymous on 7/30/2003 04:13:00 PM

The best legal document ever

Published by Anonymous on 7/30/2003 12:56:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 11:10:00 PM

Jeremy- Could you post with your cell ph #, I quite bk, i found a better job, but tommorow is giong to be realy boring, I was wondering if I could talk to you, nothing important.

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 04:16:00 PM

Jeremy- It is a P4 2.2Ghz 400Mhz fsb. pin config is pga 478

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 03:49:00 PM

Dustin- What was the CPU you said you were holding on to? A 2.2GhZ? (400Mhz Northwood...?)

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 03:10:00 PM

Hey, she could be a barbarian lasher... Or you could add Master of Chains, Dan...

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 02:55:00 PM

naw naked men would be the bruce character ;-) What's up with glocks

Published by John on 7/29/2003 02:29:00 PM

Jeremy--Glocks...... I hate you :)

Published by Anonymous on 7/29/2003 01:21:00 PM

John- Would you have prefered naked men?

It's not like any of them were using Glocks...

Published by John on 7/29/2003 08:44:00 AM

Good morning all.

Published by John on 7/28/2003 04:08:00 PM


Published by Anonymous on 7/28/2003 01:46:00 PM

Dan- Well, I was wrong. Surprizingly enough, the "Superfigs" line did not have a "kitten with a whip" style figure. (Alot of neat figs for the Superhero game... but no whips.)

I did find these, however:

RR2673 Veronica Duskraven
EX6151 Woman with Whip
EX6161 Domina [Cough cough]

Published by John on 7/28/2003 09:49:00 AM

Leon--Didn't get to the thing we talked about. Kind of cool that you will be there.

Don't forget everyone that tonight is Dustin's game.

Published by Anonymous on 7/27/2003 10:58:00 PM

RE: Time of Judgement. Scott went to the WW product announcement and seemed quite underwhelmed. I had better things to do, so what I know is all second hand, but I did not hear people being impressed.

Published by Anonymous on 7/27/2003 10:54:00 PM

Whee, I'm back from GenCon. I have lots of stuff. More specifically, I have lots of shite I will never, ever use. And some I probably will. Saw lots of cool things, some very uncool things (if you've ever been to a con, you can imagine) and lots of wierd random stuff that defies description.

Most important impression of GenCon. It's friggin HUGE! Go in the fron door of the dealer room. See how packed it is. Look and see that it is a bit wider than the dealer room at Origins. Walk until you would have reached the back of the Origins dealer room. Realise that you are not quite halfway to the back of GenCon's. Amazing. Evertyhing else is on a similar scale, including (sigh) the registration line. Any longer, and it would have taken longer to get through the line than to drive from Ohio. If I ever go again, preregistration is an absolute must. 16 person 8AM boardgame events were full. Frightening.

How'd the Epic game go?

Published by Anonymous on 7/27/2003 09:29:00 PM

CD-- Animate Necrosis was in her sb.

Published by Anonymous on 7/27/2003 05:43:00 PM

lol. Gehenna is, apparently, upon us. For lo, White Wolf has declared that the Time of Judgement is now. I guess they didn't consider how they were going to profit after people buy this last line of books (or ignore the line in disgust).

Dustin--Ray of Enfeeblement (1) Spectral Hand (2) Vampiric Touch (3) Enervation (4) and Animate Dead (5) if I reach 9th lvl.

Any chance I could have Vampiric Weapon (3) from R&R2 and Animate Necrosis (5) (if I level)?

Published by Anonymous on 7/26/2003 04:07:00 PM

JS - Actually with this character it just makes sense to play a female. As for the leather...dex IS important to a lasher. ;-) BTW if it could affect the creation of my character for the supers game please make him the trickster type of person.

Published by Anonymous on 7/26/2003 03:04:00 PM

Dan Lasher is approved

Published by Anonymous on 7/26/2003 12:16:00 AM

Dustin--I'm now even older than you! :D See how mature that makes me :P But hey, I show up to games on time...

Published by John on 7/25/2003 02:09:00 PM

Dan--Pssssstttttt.... Oh god please tell me that your character concept doesn't involve a leather suit...

Published by Anonymous on 7/25/2003 01:57:00 PM

DM - Lasher is from Sword nd Fist....uses a whip as their main weapon. Main reason I want to play oneis they aren't your average fighter in the least. Or maybe I could be a mind bender that actuly can use his abilities on the enemy!!

Published by John on 7/25/2003 09:49:00 AM

Damn everybody it is Friday, yipee! So don't forget we are playing my Epic Game on Sunday, and Dustin's game on Monday night.

Published by John on 7/25/2003 08:46:00 AM

Narel--"dumbass wee republican town" Anger building turning green...... Pssssssssst

Dustin--Hell I'm going to play all of the PHB classes on Lia, heh heh heh heh heh heh...

Published by Anonymous on 7/25/2003 12:46:00 AM

DM - I'd like to be elven lasher bitte

What the heck is that and what book are you getting it from.
Dan-- the reason I requested char consepts is because i know how you like to break your char's, so Unless we can find somthing that we both can agree apon, you will have to make a phb char, if you still want to play.

all-- unless it is a phb char, you will need to get prior approval, or make a phb char while we play, posibly receiving less xp.

Published by Anonymous on 7/24/2003 11:49:00 PM

DM - I'd like to be elven lasher bitte.
Wayne - Since it seems I'll be playing Thursdays again may I join your game if so specs?

Published by Anonymous on 7/24/2003 10:36:00 PM

Thought I would drop in and say ELLO from.. ugh... Michigan! ELLO!! Oh, and guess what?? This dumbass wee republican town [can you feel the love?] NOW HAS A GAMING SHOP!!!! a GAMING SHOP!!! Guess where I am spending quite a bit of time now... Yeah. There. Does anyone know when PIRATES! is being released by any chance? I even get to be in a gaaaaame here. (shhhhimplayingabladeelfyesiknowthatsscarybutohsocoolwhee!shh) Sunday I leave for a few days in England and a BUNCH in Ireland (YAY!!). And then... SOON. Oh sooon... school will start again and i will RETURN!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!! Hhahah. *cough* yes. Soo... I trust everyone is just dandy? ^_^ -Amanda

Published by John on 7/24/2003 12:10:00 PM

Yo Yo Yo I'm the master of disaster.

Published by Anonymous on 7/24/2003 03:56:00 AM

This is the current player list for my old sunday, now monday game.

Leon-- elf-- Ranger/cleric
Brian-- ely-- Fighter
One of my friends. Posibly Rouge
Dave-- who knows
Johns npc--Dwarven Fighter.
Anyone els who wold like to Join, Post with a char consept By Saturday, So I can plan my game with the total Number of PC's

Published by John on 7/23/2003 12:12:00 PM

I'm not ready for Thursday so I would have to say I'll run next week.

Published by Anonymous on 7/23/2003 10:02:00 AM

I can paint minis; I just can't paint them well.

Whee! Munchkin's going to feature the Redneck Tree! And there's a d20 Munchkin game! *beams*

Published by Anonymous on 7/23/2003 08:40:00 AM

Hey, if I can paint minis, anyone can. Of course I haven't done any since painting Bridgette, mostly a lack of time. I really do need to paint Azmir, though.

Published by Anonymous on 7/22/2003 10:33:00 PM

You can also hit a lead mini with a white or lt. grey primer, and accent a few of the important colors with a set of colored sharpies.

Published by Anonymous on 7/22/2003 10:13:00 PM

Since I won't be there, I'd appreciate it if the supers game wasn't started this Th. I believe Leon said he wouldn't be there on Th either (Gencon).

Published by Dr Who on 7/22/2003 09:23:00 PM

John- Thats sounds good. Gives me time to get more material together.

All- This thursday game is cancelled. my wife has thursday off and wants to spend some quality time togehter. If john wants too, he can run his game this thursday. If not, My game next thursday and then john's or vic versa. I hope that everyone can understand and have a nice weekend

Published by Anonymous on 7/22/2003 08:42:00 PM

I'm perfectly capable of painting minis... one solid color or polkadots. Either I would drop one in the paint, or I would miss the cloak and make the armor green. :) So I'm being prudent and leaving my minis the solid silver color.

Published by John on 7/22/2003 03:37:00 PM

Hell those random packaged mini sets is going to be the only way some of you ever have a painted mini...

Leon--Got ya.

Wayne--Dude like Dustin said he is going to run his former Sunday game on the opposite Monday night. I'm going to run the "off" Monday game every other Thursday until Jeremy is ready with his Mage game.

Published by Anonymous on 7/22/2003 01:55:00 PM

So, It's been desided by the two dm's that we will be switching my Sunday game and Johns alternate Monday Game. Anyone who is interested, please post before Friday this week as to what you want to be.There are some race restrictions. they are as follows. Elves can be anything, If you are a non elf, you can only chose from Sorcer, low level roge,low level fighter, or Barbarian. The campaing starts at sixth level, again we start this comming monday

Published by Anonymous on 7/21/2003 04:21:00 PM

Can I have a laptop with that (Win)XP? ;)

Published by Anonymous on 7/21/2003 04:01:00 PM

So... about that XP... ;)

Published by Anonymous on 7/21/2003 02:30:00 PM

Oh John, remember what we talked about the other Sunday. I'll do it.

Published by Anonymous on 7/21/2003 12:20:00 PM

What if everyone had an Internet connection?

The RIAA might dissolve, and we wouldn't be able to laugh at
Top 11 Signs your ISP has given you up to the RIAA as a dangerous KaZaA user:
11. All the files in your favorite MP3 play list are now "Lars Ulrich sings 'Feelings'"
10. Your KaZaA rating changes to "Defendant"
9. Eminem insults your mother in his next single
8. Recording Industry Association of America president Hillary Rosen sends you e-mail messages with embedded .wav files of heavy breathing
7. All the spam in your inbox is from Motion Picture Association CEO Jack Valenti
6. You get a bill retroactively charging you 99 cents per downloaded track. Total bill: $29,700
5. A Tommy Mottola screen saver suddenly pops up on your computer
4. Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer picket your home with signs that read, "Piracy don't pay my bills"
3. You receive a request from someone using outdated hacker wannabe slang claiming a friend said you could "hook me up" with the latest Snoop Dogg album
2. You suddenly have numerous songs from someone named Avril Lavigne
1. CD-shaped crop circles appear in your backyard

Published by Anonymous on 7/20/2003 09:58:00 AM

Whee for his snide comments about 3.5 and WoC.

3.5 was planned from the start, for 2004 or 2005. A minor revision (adding in all the errata), not changing compatibility, and redoing all the art to counteract the historical sales slump. He also comments that a lot of the business team and designers of 3.0 are gone or transferred (Ryan Dancey, Keith Strohm, Skip, Joanathan, himself).

Published by Anonymous on 7/20/2003 01:10:00 AM

Check this out. Monte Cook reveiws 3.5.


The biggie. 3.5 was planned from the very start, and although he doesn't say so, I'd bet that fact has something to do with why so little of the original 3.0 design team is left with WotC.

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 11:20:00 PM

Food tomorrow, yes. We also have all day, so we can play as long as Dustin has material. (Or, we can at least get our full five hours in, once he decides to show up.) Heh heh... ;)

There is going to be a lot of re-selling of the D&D minis on E-bay. Same thing they did with the Mage Knight figs. People are going to buy them by the crate, assemble sets, and sell them individually.

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 07:27:00 PM

Jeremy--3.5's been out since the 14th. Where've you been?

lol. Wizards is trying to sell their minis like Magic cards. DMs will prolly be fine, but I can't see Players being happy with spending $10-20 on a random assortment of minis. There's a reason why Reaper packages minis separately. And why not bundle a set of dice instead of 1d20?

Pizza tomorrow, yes?

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 07:15:00 PM

Is 3.5 officially out, or were you wondering if a pre-release was on Kazaa?

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 05:05:00 PM

Was more the me being curious not trying to max-min. After all how could I max-min w/o knowing the system?

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 12:02:00 PM

Jeremy--Davan's got a gf again? I really need to go back to reading that strip every day... It matches this and this for logic and humor.

I also think it's interesting that WoC took out the extra starting packages because "most players didn't use them and they could be generated from the one package left in" and then posted them as a web enhancement.

You should really get the Nondescript spell next time you level.

Any copies of 3.5 on Kazaa yet? ;)

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2003 12:55:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 7/18/2003 12:36:00 PM

From what I remember, BESM has a pt-based system for psychic/magic powers. I suspect John will limit flaw pt returns too. So the floating head could get that way in about 5+ years of playing, but in the meantime you could act for maybe the first hour of a session. Plus it wouldn't do you much good to be able to move yourself around if you didn't know what was around you. Have fun with that. Whee!!

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 04:54:00 PM

Did someone here try to call me? The message was blank. The caller ID failed (again) and told me I had a call from work. Work was empty.

Published by John on 7/17/2003 04:30:00 PM

Floating head v. wiffle ball bat...... bat wins :)

I'll see everyone on Monday.

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 04:02:00 PM

As long as it takes major amounts of concentration to maintain. Otherwize you've just got midgits taking 40 points of flaws to create deaf, mute, blind quadapalegics who suffer no penalties because they "just do everything with TK..." Also known as the "Hey, I'm a floating head!" syndrome...

I may be arriving to the game a bit late tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 03:55:00 PM

Dan--John has final say, but I've seen books where that can happen (spinal injury patient uses telekinesis for movement). No reason why it shouldn't work, imo. It'll just make life interesting for the char if he gets too tired (low stamina, especially) to use his powers, the powers get turned off somehow, he's anaesthesized, etc.

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 03:24:00 PM


Published by John on 7/17/2003 03:21:00 PM

Dan--It is Dustin's game, I'm camping.

Will someone let Wayne know that I'm not going to make it to the game tonight. Very bad week, and I need to get my gear together for tomorrow.

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 02:32:00 PM

...also is it epic or Dustin this Sunday?

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 02:31:00 PM

JS - I was infact going for the high powered telepath (Prof. X) or a telepath/telekenetic(Jean Grey). Hrmm...would a telekentic Prof. X be able to make himself walk?

Published by Anonymous on 7/17/2003 02:08:00 PM

They all suck. I bought me a Mr. T Chia-head.

Published by John on 7/17/2003 12:49:00 PM

You guys suck........ pssssssssst :-P

Published by John on 7/16/2003 05:13:00 PM

Oh god...


tis' the apocalypse no doubt

Published by John on 7/16/2003 03:41:00 PM

Damn you guys have really been "slacking" today. No posts.....

Published by John on 7/16/2003 01:28:00 PM


Well that just about sums up online gaming eh?

Published by John on 7/16/2003 12:12:00 PM

Matt--Books in stock doesn't give cash. You are going to be hard pressed to find someone buying old gaming books...... are any of those White Wolf books?

Published by Anonymous on 7/16/2003 07:44:00 AM

Matt-- If your are looking for a trade, go to Ericks. If you are looking for cash, go somplace els.

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 07:59:00 PM

I suspect Books in Stock may give me a better deal than Eric, but we'll see. Any idea on that from those who know the territory?

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 07:07:00 PM

Matt--If nobody in the group wants those books, you can also try Eric or the Botcon dealers.

John--I think your attention span for XP matches Jeremy's general attention span. It's still better than Dustin's alarm... ;)

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 04:34:00 PM

Bills and vacations cost money. So does food. So, for that matter, do new gaming books. And some of us don't have a wife to mooch off of, or the proceeds from selling the dogs on street corners.

Published by John on 7/15/2003 04:12:00 PM

Matt--Selling gaming books? Traitor! :-P

Hey you know I never posted XP..... damn

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 03:57:00 PM

Hey, guys. Sorry I've missed the past couple Mondays. Things have been a bit crazy.

I'm also looking at possibly selling some gaming books, mostly Rifts and 1st and 2nd edition Shadowrun stuff. Anyone who reads this interested?

Published by John on 7/15/2003 08:17:00 AM

Oh yeah, I hope you all had much fun with the "gut munching" last night. I know that I did.

Published by John on 7/15/2003 08:17:00 AM

Okay just an FYI the superhero game is going to use BESM. The other system is really cool, but would require everyone to have a book, and at 40 bucks a pop is a bit steep. So again BESM it is. Anyone with a book can start with character ideas, but I haven't decided on power levels yet.

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 01:01:00 AM

Well, I could be all stereotypical-like by picking the eyebeam o'death, charging small objects, sucking life energy, etc. Nah, I'll take the time to come up with something more creative. :P

Published by Anonymous on 7/15/2003 12:37:00 AM

Shatz- Eventually spinning death. More "Gaddamnit, those bullets really fucking itch. Stop it before you piss me off."

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2003 05:21:00 PM

I think he meant either a telepath or a telekinetic.

Published by John on 7/14/2003 03:33:00 PM

Dan--Professor X isn't a telekinetic, just a telepath :-P

Jeremy--Spinning death, good call...

see everyone tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2003 03:22:00 PM

Dan- Good choice, Bub. Here I was thinkin' of a Wolverine-clone. (Unbreakable, super-fast healing....)

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2003 02:36:00 PM

JS - I was thinking of either a prof X or Marvel Girl(aka jean Grey){ <-- only telekenetic I know of} type character

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2003 11:28:00 AM

"Jeremy--Remember when I told you guys a couple of times that I was going to out of town the next couple of weeks..... "

If I'd have remembered, I wouldn't have been needing to ask... :-p

Published by John on 7/14/2003 11:01:00 AM

Okay I'm back, now onto the posts...

Dan--Feel free to post ideas here if you wish.

Jeremy--Remember when I told you guys a couple of times that I was going to out of town the next couple of weeks..... don't insult gnats :-P

Dustin--Only an hour, give yourself some credit...

Jeremy--Tonight is zombie fest, hell yeah! You fear the zombies little man, munch munch munch....... bwhahahahahahahahahahaha

Published by Anonymous on 7/14/2003 09:28:00 AM

Zombies! (All Flesh Must be Eaten) One or two sessions.

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2003 11:47:00 PM

So what are we playing Monday? This is one of Shatzer's "one-shot" games, right?

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2003 02:45:00 PM

I'm coming back tonight! Yay!

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2003 12:42:00 PM

John-- :-P Just cause I can.
Dan--How'd you get down to Columbus then?
Jeremy--Pesky gnat... *swat* Oops. Guess you'll have to find something bigger now. :) "Keyboard Unplugged. Press any key to continue."
Dustin--And you wonder why we think you running an all-day event is a bad idea? :D

Remixed Game Music! Whee! *downloads all of it*

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2003 09:17:00 PM

As far as I am aware, We are not having a game this Sunday, Johns Epic campaign, Oh well i would have been an houre late anyhow.....

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2003 09:07:00 PM

Point click  Point click  Point click  Point click...  Gotta love Windows. l`ve been on the computer for 20 minutes before I noticed my keyboard was unplugged.  This message was written with Character Map. ;)

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2003 06:24:00 PM

That's news to me. Of course, I also have the attention span of a gnat, so I wouldn't remember anyway...

Published by Anonymous on 7/12/2003 04:53:00 PM

We're not playing this Sunday, correct?

Published by Anonymous on 7/11/2003 06:10:00 PM

All - I will not be attending until further notice(2 wk max.) because I am stuck in Columbus till I can convince my sister to drive me back up there.

JS - Should we post superhero concepts to here or privately?

Published by John on 7/11/2003 01:47:00 PM

Cyborg eyes? Well if I'm going to spend the money on enhancements my eyes are pretty much at the bottom of the list. :-P

Published by Anonymous on 7/11/2003 11:02:00 AM

Speaking of Supers, people should check out this article from the latest issue of Wired. Pretty cool, especially the part that claims "A human body comprises some 1027 atoms". lol

Published by John on 7/11/2003 08:22:00 AM

Woo hoo its the weekend in less than 8 hours. I get to spend the whole weekend with wifepoo. Damn....

Jeremy--You have a point.

Leon--I like to hire people with low firearms skills and poor aim, it is just safer that way.

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 09:49:00 PM

John- Thanks for the info. I'll start work on a character concept sometime soon.

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 09:46:00 PM

I wouldn't want to work for John. And not just because of my highly dubious tech skills. I also have poor aim. :)

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 07:09:00 PM

Shatz- She can sound like Dustin all she wants. At least she shows up on time. ;)

Published by John on 7/10/2003 04:12:00 PM

Caroline--Be careful you are staring to sound like Dustin :) The copier/printers are pretty nifty. The college made a good decision, actually buying systems above the minimum needs of the users, so we have some "wiggle room". You wouldn't want to work for me, I'm mean.... or at least when someone throws a beach ball and hits me in the kahoneys instead of imaging systems...

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 03:36:00 PM

John--Not a fair remark, considering the job market.

Given a choice, I'd come work for you (as would most of the group, I think). Oh wait, that would mean dealing with the college administration again. Never mind. *snickers* How're the copier-printers holding up? Oh, and have a pillow. *hands you a pillow*

Published by John on 7/10/2003 03:00:00 PM

Caroline--Have job yet? I do *tired look*

Leon--Well you see everyone is hamsters...... just kidding. Think JLA or Avengers. Not quite silly four color comics, but not Spawn either.

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 02:48:00 PM

Good evening John!

Say, what type of setting are you planning for the supers game? Street vigilantes, four color, silly , cosmic, something else I haven't thought of (and probably wouldn't want too)?

Published by Anonymous on 7/10/2003 02:24:00 PM

Good XP everybody! *hopeful look*

Published by John on 7/10/2003 01:21:00 PM

Good afternoon everybody!

Published by John on 7/10/2003 10:13:00 AM

Good morning everyone!

Published by Dr Who on 7/10/2003 01:05:00 AM

hello, all. Just to let you know, I am sorry that there will be no D&D today. Be ready to play next week. Lots of fun in store going to work on the campaign whi;le at the hospital. Once agian,m sorry guys.

Published by Anonymous on 7/09/2003 09:42:00 PM

Uh. Iiinteresting little comic here. Stalin vs. Hitler. And they're both superheroes/villians...

Published by Anonymous on 7/09/2003 02:44:00 PM

Mn... Good point. (DR and bows without enchantments.) I'll pass on this batch of arrows.

Published by Anonymous on 7/08/2003 07:42:00 PM

Jeremy--You want to do what to The Precious? *scream of agony from J's char*

Well, I'll definitely take you up on the weapon ench, once I actually get gold. I do hit when I roll decently, plus I have the archery feats.

I want a few of the arrows, for DR, until I can afford upping the bow. The char would up the melee weapons first though... *muses*

John--Once we get out of the dungeon, is it possible to get a wand of "Persistant" Shield? If I did the math right, it would cost 7500 for a fully charged wand (10th lvl caster-cost based on Magic missile)

Published by Anonymous on 7/08/2003 07:24:00 PM

I'd like the +3 Rapier, but the cursed longsword would just want to eat it. ;)
Of course, I like to stay out of close combat as much as possible, so this isn't that bad.

(I wonder what it would cost to get a +12 longsword re-forged into thinblade? Heh...)

I want the daggers and the arrows.

As soon as we get out of this hole-in-the-ground, I'd also like to offer the Arcane spellcasters a bit of extra gold if they'll "sell" me a few days worth of their unused spell slots. Lost all of my enchanted arrows finishing off those Elementals.

I also have the Craft Arms and Armor feat, and will be open for buisness during our down-time. I can enchant weapons and armor up to a +2.

Published by Dr Who on 7/08/2003 06:32:00 PM

i didn't take the shortbow because wasn't sure if Dustin's original charcte was coming back or not.... If not, I would like to take it and any ammo that is found with it.

Published by John on 7/08/2003 03:18:00 PM

Sorry still don't have XP figured, job and all...

Published by Anonymous on 7/08/2003 02:33:00 PM

I'm most interested in
•+3 rapier or the +2 short sword (for DR). I'll take a dagger only if the swords have been claimed.

I wouldn't mind
•the Cat's Grace wand, if the other arcanes don't want it
•Quiver of Ehlonna
•the +1 arrows

The potions should be split up among the rest of the party.
Wayne already took a magic shortbow, but that may have been from Bruce or Dustin's old char instead.

Published by John on 7/08/2003 12:40:00 PM

Dustin--Could you please pass this information on to Brian, I haven't set him up on the Blog yet. Thanks.

Published by Dr Who on 7/08/2003 11:41:00 AM

Hey guys, Got the word on thursday and the wrod is "There will be no thursday d&d being run by by me on July 10" Got the word be and they want dad in the hospital on thursday. All day thursday..... What a drag! Hanging out at a hospital all day. Will see you guys next week, for some really good fun........ Sorry about no game on thusday, guys.

Published by John on 7/08/2003 08:54:00 AM

Okay from last night I forgot to add a couple of other things:

a pair of +2 returning throwing daggers, 3 potions of invisibility, & a wand of Cat's grace (minimum level 23 charges).

Sorry that I don't have the xp figured yet, probably after lunch. Let me know who has taken what as soon as possible.

Published by John on 7/08/2003 08:26:00 AM


Published by Anonymous on 7/07/2003 09:49:00 PM

Well, I laid down to get a quick nap and slept through the alarm I set, so I guess it's kinda moot, now.

Published by John on 7/07/2003 04:11:00 PM

Matt--Don't be a panzy :-P

Published by Anonymous on 7/07/2003 03:51:00 PM

John: Silver Age sounds fun to me. However, I dunno if I'm gonna be at game. I'm really feeling like shit and may go lie down. (And no, getting hit by the thunderstorm didn't exactly help.)

Published by John on 7/07/2003 08:35:00 AM

Caroline--No running water is a stream, river etc.

Published by John on 7/07/2003 08:33:00 AM

Okay tonight is the D&D game. Much level draining to be had..... I've decided that next week is going to be an All Flesh Must be Eaten game (zombies!). I have premade characters that you can name, and on we go. I see the zombie game running at most 2 sessions (every other week of course). I haven't decided what comes after that, perhaps a supers game, maybe another Vampire story arc. Just an FYI I picked up Silver Age Sentinals (d20 supers), and it is very good. I may use that system to run the supers game, any feedback?

Published by John on 7/07/2003 08:28:00 AM

As moderator of the Wooster gaming blog I decry the following:

We are never ever to speak of the "new" Galactica again

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2003 10:04:00 PM

Caroline: Vampiric Weapon? That's just nasty. I like.

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2003 08:04:00 PM

John--Would "Decanter of Endless Water" count as "immersing a vampire in running water"?
Sunday--My wizard has an extra ring of proc +1, since I miscounted the # of rings she has. Anybody want it, or should it be party treasure?
Good Groups--The arcane caster of any of our good groups should get Conditional Spell (6th Level Spell from Eld) and Vampiric Weapon (3rd Level spell from R&R2). Spell trigger for Conditional Spell--When the paladin casts Divine Sacrifice. Pity the paladin would only gain half the HP inflicted, and only as Temp HP... *evil grin*
The Monday Group casters should get Vampiric Weapon or Vampiric Touch.

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2003 09:58:00 AM

Matt--Monday is D&D. Vampire Hunting instead of hunting the Vampire Hunters. Well, actually, we'd prefer to avoid all the vampires and just find the treasure room. :) Of course, then we'd hit all the traps on our way... Vampires are dangerous, but Evard's Black Tentacles are deadly. *snickers*

Published by Anonymous on 7/06/2003 12:45:00 AM

Hey, what are we playing Monday again?

Published by Anonymous on 7/05/2003 12:53:00 AM

Edward James Olmos apparently rules a battlefleet of young, nubile females.

Published by Anonymous on 7/04/2003 06:22:00 PM

Are there any males left?

Published by Anonymous on 7/04/2003 02:39:00 AM

.....wow. That is beyond tasteless.

Good thing I wasn't planning on watching the remake.

Is Adama a sexy, mature redhead yet? Strangely playedby Traci Lords?

Published by John on 7/03/2003 03:41:00 PM

*smacking head on desk* ....Boomer is now an asian woman..... Well my weekend is ruined.

Published by John on 7/03/2003 03:27:00 PM

Sci Fi channel is remaking Battlestar Galactica, and they are making Starbuck a woman. Starbuck is a woman.....


Sorry I had to vent. No one here at work understood why I was so pissed off... Well except Matt, but he didn't seem to care.

Published by John on 7/03/2003 02:56:00 PM

Jeremy--Neigh? You mean like a horse :-)

Published by Anonymous on 7/03/2003 02:16:00 PM

Superheroes? I could be neigh-invulnerable!

Published by John on 7/03/2003 02:00:00 PM

Matt--If you click on the large orange B above you should be directed to the blog page. There is a link there to a version of Blogger that will work with IE on a macintosh. That may help you.

Published by John on 7/03/2003 01:58:00 PM

Matt--Yes a little "four" color action can be good for the soul. Think late 60's early 70's Avengers and there you have it.

Published by Anonymous on 7/03/2003 01:42:00 PM

Supers? Hmmm.

As to the blog: I get a 'Posting' page, and when I try to view, it redirects me to bagledog.com, which isn't responding.

Published by John on 7/03/2003 08:06:00 AM

Dustin--I forgot to mention this, but you can invite Brian into the Epic game. Amanda is gone for the summer, so that will work out well.

Published by John on 7/03/2003 08:05:00 AM

Jeremy--It is in fact Wayne's game tonight. I was actually thinking rail guns, the assault rifles may not be a challange for you guys :)

Caroline--Damn that is a lot of gold... Time to buy some "specialized arrows". You know the arrow of slaying the damn Dwarven wizard who "needs" us, but yet doesn't want to cast his spells. Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Published by Anonymous on 7/02/2003 05:12:00 PM

Shatz- I tossed that die high against the back wall. I just happened to catch you on the riccochet. Now... maybe it was an accident... or maybe it was just mad skillz. Of course, you've also seen me play pool, so I don't think the "bank shot" bluff is going to work. ;)

Super Zombies? As long as they're not Italian, and equipped with assault rifles...

Wayne's game tomorrow, correct?

Published by Anonymous on 7/02/2003 04:35:00 PM

10,000g divided by 5.5 = 1,818g That'll pay for an extra 4th level spell or two. Wheee!

Published by John on 7/02/2003 03:32:00 PM

Caroline--My cohort demands his cut!!!!! It is Dustin's turn to run, so we should be ready to play at 4:30 sharp. :)

Published by Anonymous on 7/02/2003 03:18:00 PM

Monday game--Both also sound cool to me.
Sunday game stuff--Dustin, does that leave us with ~200 plat (me, John, Jeremy, Leon, and whatsisname)? Or does some go to John's cohort too? Which game are we playing this Sunday anyhow?

Published by John on 7/02/2003 02:03:00 PM

Dan--Zombies in religion class? Sweet! How you doing?

Jeremy--That reminds me I felt that die go past my head. Was that an accident, or did you miss me? :-)

Leon--Talking to yourself again eh?

Published by Anonymous on 7/02/2003 01:56:00 PM

JS - It just seemed to drag because of the hour and the repetativeness for the ST. People were getting very much into it examples leon talking to him self and jeremy winging the die. I would have to lean toward the super game as I've gotten enough zombies in my Magic, Witchcraft and religion class BLEH!

Published by John on 7/02/2003 01:07:00 PM

Wait I have an idea..... Super Zombies, yeah that is it. Up up and aw.... damn lost the arm again :-P

Published by Anonymous on 7/01/2003 06:07:00 PM

Zombies or Supers are both damn cool. So I guess I'll sit this vote out because I honestly have no preference.

Published by John on 7/01/2003 12:37:00 PM

Jeremy--Really, cool I was worried that you guys were getting bored. I guess I won't have to "kick it up a notch" next time :) I'll take that as a vote for ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!

Published by Anonymous on 7/01/2003 11:06:00 AM

I kick ass for the Lord!

Published by Anonymous on 7/01/2003 11:06:00 AM

The game dragged near the end? I thought even John Woo would've been proud of that firefight...

Published by John on 7/01/2003 10:01:00 AM

Question about the "off" Monday game. Would you guys like to do a supers game, or a zombie game first? I have a lot of stuff floating around in my noggin' right now...

Published by John on 7/01/2003 09:18:00 AM

Matt--How did Jason break Bagel?

Published by Anonymous on 7/01/2003 08:12:00 AM

Woohoo! Zombie-Slaying!

Oh, and Shatz: Let Jason know he broke the damn BagleBlog?

Published by John on 7/01/2003 07:51:00 AM

Wayne--6 xp for last nights game.

Okay guys sorry that the damn thing ran so late last night. It dragged towards the end, but I really wanted to finish it up so that we could start something new. Like I said last night we are going to start an All Flesh must be eaten (AFMBE) game in two weeks. What ever you do DON'T lose your vampire characters we are returning to them in the near future (I've started writing an adventure that will give the less combat related characters a hell of a lot to do). Again sorry things felt so rushed last night. Well I shall see everyone on Thursday (yes I'm coming to a Thursday game!). Later dudes...