Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 3/22/2009 10:46:00 AM


Doin' pretty good. Still trying to keep ahead of the house repairs. Got all the garbage left in the upstairs bedroom swept up, and my bed and desk moved upstairs while I redo the basement. I've got a pool table ready to be picked up, but I have to get the floor finished downstairs before I have a half-ton of wood and slate plopped down in the middle of the room. So I put the rest of the house on hold and I'm working down there right now. Carpet is up, and I'm patching the walls while I wait for the new stuff to come in. (I'm going to be using carpet tiles.)

Just got the last of the shit that was left behind out of the townhouse and the trash drug out to the curb. Kitchen could still use a good cleaning, but fuck 'em. Not going to happen. I've wasted enough of my time over there as it is.
A crew comes in to paint the place Monday and Tuesday, and the Realtor should have it listed shortly after.

That white board is laying by the side of the townhouse if you still want it. I've got nothing to use it for.