Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 2/28/2009 12:52:00 AM

It was another stent to open up a blockage. This makes 18.

Published by Jeremy on 2/27/2009 11:13:00 PM

Glad to hear your Dad is doing OK.
What was he in for, anyway? Another blockage?
Surgery? Did they put another stint in?

Published by John on 2/27/2009 05:54:00 PM

Everyone have a great weekend. I'm going home and going to catch up on some sleep. At least that is the plan. :P

Published by John on 2/27/2009 03:02:00 PM

Farve - You are a wiener! I have a copy of Epitaph for you. Let me know when you can pick it up. Congrats.

Dave - Weapon Brown is in my office. I did bring it back. :)

Published by John on 2/27/2009 11:43:00 AM

Okay so here is why I hate hospitals.

My father gets checked into Timken Mercy on Tuesday night. They literally have no beds and when they do have room for him they put him in with a psycho. Seriously this guy sits in his bed and says to no one in particular, "I told them not to put anyone in here. Some one is going to pay." My dad can't sleep at all, and the couple of times he closes his eyes he opens them to find the guy staring at him from the edge of his bed! My father, who is in there for chest pain, ends up sleeping in the waiting room the night before he goes in for surgery.

The next day they were all tripping over themselves to apologize. That is except for the patient advocate (who works for the hospital, what a joke that is) who wants to defend the staff and has the nerve to say that they couldn't not treat the nut job. Then on Thursday because they are still having issues with available beds they send my father home at 1 p.m. less than 24 hours after surgery (which they never do). I mean why send patients elsewhere when you can bill two people for the same bed. Bastards.

Anyway he is home and resting now. But Timken Mercy certainly caused a lot of stress and grief to a man that didn't need it.

Published by Dr. Fawkes on 2/26/2009 08:18:00 AM

How's your father doing John?

P.S.- Hospitals make great places to pass out religious texts.

Published by John on 2/23/2009 09:46:00 AM

Dude that is awesome. I so need to print some of these out and leave them around town as "tips" like they used to do with those Chick Tracts back in the 70s!

Published by Dr. Fawkes , , , on 2/21/2009 12:02:00 AM


Chick Lovecraft Tract

Published by Dunesmuggler on 2/20/2009 09:29:00 PM

I'm doing ok.
Getting better but still in pain.

Published by John on 2/20/2009 05:17:00 PM

Well I would imagine you can web surf. Will it allow you to download and update plug ins? That was always the big failing for us when we were looking at that sort of appliance or device here at work. Everything is web based and if you can't keep your browser current you quickly end up with a solitaire machine. :)

Published by Jeremy on 2/20/2009 05:11:00 PM

I don't remember the make and model... I'd have to look at one again. It's some wireless tablet-PC deal running a stripped-down version of Windows. Touchscreen. Awesome for Solitaire and Crayon Physics, but I guess you can do actual work on them, too.

Published by John on 2/20/2009 03:46:00 PM

Sweet. What kind of hand held are they using? Is this for the staff or are you guys just demoing it?

Oh and Gutmunchers looks good on everything.... Oh yeah.

Published by Jeremy on 2/20/2009 02:52:00 PM

I'm posting this from a handheld in Rittman. Guttmunchers looks great on the small-screen. (And I lol'd at the new comic.)

Published by John on 2/20/2009 12:10:00 PM

Jeremy - Two observations.

1. I had hoped that the zombie Wii game would rule, but most zombie games fail for the reasons you pointed out. Thanks for saving me the money that I would have spent buying a Wii for a shitty game.

2. That was an excellent review. If you handle your eventual anime reviews like that you will be miles ahead of most of the other reviewers.

ps: Talk to Jen if you see this at work. Tis Friday and the buffet is calling to me.

Scott - How are you feeling today? I hope that none of your other organs has been possessed with a homicidal rage and is trying to kill you. Also wanted to let you know that I put up another of your reviews today (Zombie Strippers). Cheers.

And to end things here is another killer cartoon...

Comic #533

You laughed and yes, you are going to hell. AnotherRandomDay.com

Published by Jeremy on 2/20/2009 09:16:00 AM

I gave it a play last night. I must say it's a bit disappointing.

It's a "Samurai Warriors" engine- large numbers of identical, easy-to-beat enemies that you hack through with swords. Which can work... but what made Samurai Warriors great is a hindrance. The Wii is a glorified Gamecube at the core, and doesn't have the power to control dozens of enemies on screen at a time to give the "oh shit mob" effect the SW games did. You end up with an unimpressive number of enemies, and the graphics turned down so low you're more likely to be ripped apart by the jagged edges than the zombies.

It relies heavily on the "barriers appear to trap you in a zone till you kill everything" method, and has an annoying power-up mode that activates automatically and actually kills you as you use it. If you don't have an item to stop it, or can get to one of the few save points in time, you die.

Very limited number of attacks, as it uses the Wiimote to control sword swings. But it only has one swing- a vertical waggle of the wii. No changing up between vertical, horizontal, or lunging movements. Your one sword move is controlled by how many times you swing the remote up and down. There are a limited number of secondary attacks available using the other hand, but they're generally weak or annoying- you end up just sticking with the sword.

Got bored within a half-an-hour. Popped in Chocobo's Dungeon instead. Why? Because I'm a Final Fantasy whore. It's an overly-cutesy game with big, bright, cartoony graphics and voice acting on-par with the Dragon Ball Z dub. I figured with the graphics it was kind of like Dungeon Crawler Light, or an RPG aimed towards kids. If it is a kid's game, apparently the Japanese hate children.

It's basically a 3-D version of the old DOS game "Rogue." (Or NetHack, or Moria, or whichever one you remember where you move around a grid- you make one move, the enemy takes one move, etc.) The story line is average so far, but not the worst I've seen, and the gameplay is the old dungeon crawl. Maps are generated at random, so sometimes you appear in a dungeon standing right next to the stairs leading down to the next level. Other times you get gangraped by a room full of nasty. Repeat for 40+ hours.

I'm going to get Deadly Creatures next. It's got surprisingly good reviews for a game who's premise is about as simple and pure as "Snakes on a Plane."

Apparently you play as a spider. Or a scorpion. And you wander around down kicking random other creature's asses, because that's what pissed off venomous arachnids do for fun.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 2/19/2009 09:48:00 PM

When I'm feeling better I may be over to play that.

Published by John on 2/19/2009 08:40:00 PM

Zombie game for the Wii...... Must own it now.

Published by Jeremy on 2/19/2009 02:15:00 PM

Did they give you a copy?
If you put a funny caption on that picture, you may have the world's first Lolpendix pic.

Speaking of zombies...
Just got Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers for the Wii.
No idea if it's any good... haven't had time to play it yet.
But it was worth a shot just for the name.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 2/19/2009 12:15:00 PM

Actually, it was up a lot further than it would normally have been.... and in the pictures it did seem to have a face.... holy shit! It was going for my heart!

Published by John on 2/19/2009 08:11:00 AM

Yes well see it didn't crawl towards the wang. Which of course means it is straight and all good with the Jeebus crowd. :P

Damn you Gaggins I've learned from extensive zombie movies that you can sort of call that entire area the chest cavity and stuff. Bastage. :)

Published by Jeremy on 2/18/2009 11:27:00 PM

Holy crap. Scott's appendix tried to kill him? And it got into chest? Jesus... it must have been crawling towards his heart. It's good they caught it in time. They're sneaky bastards like that.

Published by Farva on 2/18/2009 09:38:00 PM

i will be coming to get the rest of my stuff at 12 Fri.

Published by John on 2/18/2009 05:58:00 PM

Work for the site and almost die!

Just an FYI Scott is in the hospital. Don't worry Jeremy it isn't a hamburger related injury. His appendix required a new view, from outside his chest cavity! He has been in the hospital since Monday (I think) and should be coming home soon. Just thought I would mention it. :)

Published by Dr. Fawkes , , on 2/17/2009 06:48:00 PM

I thought this blog was all about change now?

Also, Weapon Brown is still back.

Published by Jeremy on 2/16/2009 08:32:00 AM

Published by Farva on 2/15/2009 03:20:00 PM

i have the Internet
i want a cookie

Published by Jeremy on 2/14/2009 04:18:00 PM

I'm glad Jen talked her friend out of "Babe: Pig in the City" as her challenge against Rule 34. We all already know it's out there, but I really didn't want to go looking for that. And I don't think anyone wanted to see it.

Published by John on 2/11/2009 01:48:00 PM

It is good to know that it isn't only my Beagle that is evil..... So you see then it isn't my fault.

but at least he is quiet.

Oh and what would have happened if Molly and Wolfgang were both "fixed"

Published by Farva on 2/07/2009 10:09:00 AM

i live sort of .

Published by Dr. Fawkes , , , , , on 2/05/2009 09:50:00 PM

Weapon Brown is updating again.

Published by John on 2/04/2009 04:46:00 PM

Thanks Bubbles I appreciate that. Every little bit helps.

Published by Bubbles on 2/03/2009 03:35:00 PM

John, I added your Website to StumbleUpon so hopefully you'll see a increase in hits.

Published by John on 2/02/2009 11:54:00 AM

27 - 23

Lombardi Trophy #6

More Super Bowl Championships than any other NFL franchise...

Hell Yeah!

That is all I have to say about that.