Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 4/02/2008 09:15:00 AM

I just wanted to follow up and let you guys know about this past Monday. My father had a heart attack on Sunday and went into surgery on Monday. Things weren't going well and I had to run out to Canton to be with my Mom. He is fine now and should be coming home soon. But that is why I couldn't make it on Monday. It really bummed me out because I was looking forward to seeing what suicidal strategy you were going to attempt this week!

Dustin - Dude I need you to call me tonight. I've left my cell and home numbers with Farve (who put them on the board). I need to confirm weekend plans with you asap! I plan on picking you up at 12:30 on Friday to head up to the show. Since you don't have wheels right now you don't want to miss your ride. This time Ed and Runk are going to be in town early enough to grab some food before the show starts. Plus they overbook the Motel 6 and we don't want to miss out on a room. Still I need you to call me anytime before 11:30 pm. Thanks.

Bubbles - Dude I hope you feel better.

Jeremy - Hey man are you and Farve maybe up for grabbing some food tonight? I would like to grab the iPod off of you and visit some. If you want I'll eat a light lunch and we can destroy the buffet! Let me know.

Later dudes.

ps: Scott I love rainbows :)