Frohike is dead...... Long live annoying halfling girl! Okay she probably won't live long. Must remember not to get attached!
Jeremy--It looks like John Pittman, Jason and I are going to get together maybe Saturday to work on John's laptop. If you were available this would be a great time for me to work on yours as well. I'll post the actual times we are getting together and let you know.
All--Be ready for some serious fun next Monday. Well okay not serious, I mean you are only 1st level.
Caroline--Again good luck in all of you future endeavors. Really keep posting here on the blog. Kentucky isn't that far away, maybe you could make it to Columbus for a Origins or something. Catch you later.
All--Okay I have Kishor hooked on the game. Can we think of any other acceptable victims to add to our group? Just wondering....... I also think we need to have another Friday night shindig. Maybe movies or a one shot all flesh game. Just thinking.
Later dudes and dudettes......