Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 7/29/2005 01:40:00 PM

Leon- I found your bag o' dice.

I've got an idea on where your book is. Been working on clearing out back to that corner again. It has gotten a bit buried. :)

Published by John on 7/28/2005 02:31:00 PM

Okay so I have Leon, Dustin, and Jeremy for Friday nights game. Dusty can you pick up Leon at the comic shop tommorrow? I should arrive at Jeremy's place between 6 and 6:30. You guys want to order some pizza? This is so old school...... Friday night, 4 geeky guys, pizza, and lots o dice :) Looking forward to Friday.

Published by John on 7/26/2005 12:17:00 PM

Jeremy--Yes it is a way big secret. Can't tell anyone anything, or else it will ruin it :)

Leon--Aye. I ran home last night and wrote out the whole storyline. Was one of those things that just hit you all at once. Now that it is safely written down it can sit on a shelf until I'm ready and have an oppurtunity.

Published by Anonymous on 7/25/2005 08:29:00 PM

AFAIK it's my game tomorrow. I should be ready, although I'm not as far ahead as I'd like to be.

May have a line on some L5R booster boxes in the 25-30 dollar range. And no, not all of them are Hidden Emperor or Scorpion Clan Coup. Most are sets from a few years ago, after us older players left the game. I'll have more details tomorrow if anyone is interested in splitting a box or three.

John, if you want to run GURPS, I'm up for that. Just no idea when we'd do it :)

Published by Jeremy on 7/25/2005 05:33:00 PM

I think so.

What did you have in mind? Or is this s'posed to be a secret? :)

Published by John on 7/25/2005 03:31:00 PM

Damn I have the coolest idea for a game. I would have to use Gurps rules.... only one that would work for this :)

So how is everyone doing? We playing Leon's game Tuesday?

Published by dave on 7/24/2005 09:15:00 AM

sorry guys had to work. get with you tomorrow after 4oo.

Published by John on 7/19/2005 03:10:00 PM

All--I'll bring something with me, just in case neiter DM prepped anything :)

Jeremy--Brentwood? Just like OJ :-0

Published by Jeremy on 7/19/2005 01:22:00 PM

The house is off Highland Park. You can get to it off Portage, or catch the other end of it off 585.

Turn off onto Cedar. Brentwood is on the left.

1530 Brentwood is the pinkish-colored house on the left side, directly
across from a large white house.

You will need to park on the street.


Who is DM tonight, anyway? I still haven't found my character sheets- will probably need to reroll something for tonight.

Published by Anonymous on 7/19/2005 01:08:00 PM

John--Yup. See everybody at the new place! Anyone know who's running this week?

Published by John on 7/19/2005 12:48:00 PM

Jeremy--Dude I need the address of the new place if I'm to find it for tonights game :)

Caroline--You gaming tonight?

Published by Anonymous on 7/18/2005 10:44:00 PM

John--Yup, still here. Still no job news. Not sure when I'm leaving the area, exactly, but I'll take the money you would've spent on the steak and use it for better purposes. :)

Published by Jeremy on 7/18/2005 09:19:00 PM

The job is well enough. It would be better with Warcraft, but I'm not spending the kind of money for a machine that can handle the game for only two nights a week. :)

The "job" on Saturday/Sunday morning takes place between Midnight and around 2:30am when the bar finally closes and all the obnoxious, drunken college students finally leave. Then I spend five hours watching cartoons. Adult Swim on a lil' TV with cable in the back office.

I like Saturday.

Sunday/Monday morning is just dead. Nothing on TV. Just six hours of infomercials. Though I did find out how to make one million dollars working from home.

Published by John on 7/18/2005 04:39:00 PM

Jeremy--So the big question. How goes the new job? Having fun?

Dustin--You suck. Please don't undo all the work I've done trying to get players for L5R. Telling Bubbles (an employee of the store) that he needs to purchase an entire box of boosters to make a deck? Dammit man not only did he quit before playing, but was telling everyone else that! Also where were you Saturday? I spent all week tuning my L5R decks to kill Crab and no Dusty. I was a very sad monkey...... bastage.

Leon--You suck. No real reason to say that, just talking smack.

Caroline--So you still with us? If you are moving we need to get together as a group and have a going away party. Heck I'll buy you a steak :-0

Farve--Um nothing really. Sorry, just didn't want you to feel left out.

Published by Jeremy on 7/16/2005 05:40:00 PM

All -

I will be returning to a normal schedule after this weekend. I'll be at the Best Western from 11p-7a Saturday and Sunday, then I should be back to my normal weekday schedule. (Minus most of Monday, which I will be sleeping through.)

I should be available for gaming this Tuesday. If this changes, I'll remember to call a few people instead of just posting it on the blog. ;)

Oh- and if any of you see Farva, kick him in the shin and tell him to get in touch with me. Unless he is dead, or has been arrested for doing naughty things involving small farm animals. Then just make sure you get his wallet.

Farva -

All of the parts for your system have been ordered and delivered. You'd already given me a verbal OK when last we spoke. Didn't have time to wait to hear from you again.

I still need your new contact number.

I'll try to have it built and tested by Tuesday evening, so you can take it home with you that night. We can work out your payment then.

Published by Anonymous on 7/13/2005 05:53:00 AM

Uhm wow really should check the blog more often rather than just trying to do it tuesday. Especially since my net connection craps out so often.

DAMN YOU QUEER PICTURE! Upgrade your POS network already! I'm tired of not being able to use the net at the same time as anyone else.

Of course, if I'd taken time to do it Tuesday morning when my connection was up, I'd have known.

Published by Jeremy on 7/09/2005 04:22:00 PM

There will be no game Tuesday- at least not at my place.

The "training" schedule they have me working on at the hotel is in the afternoons till 8pm. I won't be able to game on the weekdays until I get assigned to the night audit position. (I imagine the end of this next week.)

Published by Jeremy on 7/08/2005 07:37:00 PM

Shit. :/

Dustin, if you ever check the blog at the comic shop- you need to get your Intarweb access back soon. Your Warcraft account never got canceled out, and just posted another 3-month subscription on my CC.

Namfoodle is mine now. Muahahahaha....!

*Strips the gnome nekked and makes him dance on the mailbox while teh lady-folk throw silver pieces at him*

Published by Jeremy on 7/08/2005 01:57:00 PM

Hey Farva-

Give me a call when you get this message. Need to get your final OK on that computer quote so I can start ordering the rest of the parts.

Every time I've tried to call you for the last two days now, I keep getting a message that your number is out of service. Did that get changed? Forget to pay your bill?

Published by dave on 7/07/2005 02:48:00 PM

land of the dead is amazing