Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 10/30/2009 09:21:00 PM

Fuckin A!! Alice in Wonderland via Tim Burton!!! Holy awesomeness!! And of course it can't be done without Johnny Depp...although he looks quite a lot like Wonka again....I CAN'T WAIT!! And it will totally freak out little kiddies too..hehe :)~

Published by Jeremy on 10/29/2009 09:53:00 PM

Man, I totally have got to remember this for next year's halloween festivities.
Meat-loaf hand. Nails and wrist bone are onion. Browned cheese makes the skin. Mashed potatoes used to clean up the presentation.

Published by Jeremy on 10/29/2009 09:08:00 PM


Did NetFlix raise their prices again? I was looking at starting the minimum-level service up just to get movie streaming and it's $8.99. The bottom-tier $4.99 plan is limited to 2-hours of streaming a month. =/

And I want to go to New Zealand. Not Australia. It's close to Australia, but it isn't. Australia is dangerous. Even the grass is poisonous down there and will try to kill you. And ants that eat meat. Which apparently they're breeding in large numbers to release them into the wild to eat a frog or something. (Yay! Lets release large numbers of flesh-eating insects into the wild! I haven't seen that as the plot of a movie before!) I'd be afraid to leave my hotel room.

New Zealand just has spiders that eat birds. And elves. I can enjoy the scenery looking out the window of my hobbit hole. I won't be swimming. Especially not in the ocean. Things live in the ocean.

Published by Jeremy on 10/29/2009 08:07:00 PM


Published by John on 10/27/2009 12:34:00 PM

Okay why the hell would anyone go swimming in the ocean after reading something like this?

You still want to move down under Mr. Gaggins? If the giant spiders don't get you then this bad boy will!

Published by Jeremy on 10/26/2009 09:11:00 PM

Rambo hunting down Genome soldiers?
That... cold be epic.
Especially if the head supersoldier is like... an evil genetically-superior clone of Rambo.
We'll call him... Liquid Rambo.


Published by John on 10/25/2009 05:41:00 PM

HOLY SHIT. This is awesome!

Published by Jeremy on 10/24/2009 05:20:00 PM

So, Farva apparently isn't dead.
He did, however, get into gay porn to pay off some of his fines.

Published by Jeremy on 10/21/2009 04:51:00 PM

Suck fest... so true, on so many levels.

I think I'm almost completely dead on gaming. I picked up an XBox360 and I'm using it primarily as a substitute for my laptop in my entertainment center downstairs. (Or at least I will be once it is completely put back together.) So my "next gen" console exists to stream episodes of South Park from my computer upstairs down to the TV.

I've got Batman: Arkham Asylum- the hands-down zomg moist-in-the-pants aweze0meistest Batman game evar. With the insane Mark Hamill Joker. (Hamill>Romero>Nicholson>Ledger) and I've played it... enh... twice. Maybe about an hour total. But I've watched an entire season of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. =/

Published by Bubbles on 10/21/2009 03:40:00 PM

Well until the next expansion anyway, then its a whole new suck fest.

Published by Jeremy on 10/17/2009 05:28:00 PM

If they had internet access in prison that'd be awesome. Free rent, free food, all your guildies would be right there in the cell block. I mean, what you have to do to earn DKP is a bit humiliating, but the flavor goes away- Those epix are here to stay.

Published by Bubbles on 10/17/2009 12:43:00 AM

He was on WoW today, so I don't think he went to Jail

Published by John on 10/16/2009 09:48:00 AM

That is a good question. Farve are you still around? We haven't heard from you in a while. Did you get sent off to the big house?

Published by Jeremy on 10/13/2009 11:25:00 PM

Is Farva still alive or did he get shanked in the yard during his time in the big house?