Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 12/30/2007 11:51:00 AM

Heroscape has a FAQ on the web page!

Can a defender have height advantage when rolling defense dice?
Yes. Height advantage refers to both attacking and defending. If either figure’s base is on a level higher than the other figure’s base, that figure has height advantage and can roll one more die (attack or defense) for that attack.

Maybe that new printing of the instructions made that clearer, 'cause the old one sure didn't.

If I am engaged to an opponent’s figure, can I move around it while still staying engaged?
Yes. As long as you don’t move away from the figure you can run circles around it in order to gain height advantage, engage other figures, etc.

I don't think that came up (most moves I remember disengaged completely) but it's good to know.

Can I use a special power on a ranged figure when I'm engaged with a different figure?
When you are engaged with another figure, Special powers (NOT Special Attacks) can still affect figures you are not engaged with. If you are going to use a normal/Special Attack, it must affect the figure you are engaged with.

Did we all miss a part in the rules that says you have to attack an engaged figure? That changes battle strategies with and against certian figs quite a bit. I don't remember Farva getting in that situation, but I know myself (with my archers and the archer hero) and John's Q9 fired out of an engagement multiple times last night.

Does elevation give a +1 die bonus to a Special Attack?
Special Attacks are NEVER modified.

I did that wrong with the ninja chick. I added a die when flickin' a star at one of Farv's guys.

Can Major Q9’s shoulder pads block his own line of sight?
Yes. When checking to see if you have a clear line of sight with Q9, you may want to look behind the targeted figure’s Hit Zone to see if you can see Q9’s head, or the side of his face. He cannot fire directly behind himself.

If a single spaced figure is not facing another figure that he is attacking, does he have line of sight?
Facing does not matter when determining Line of Sight for the single spaced figures. The best way to tell if your Attacker has a clear Line of Sight is to get behind its head and look at the targeted figure. If you can see any part of it from its head, you have a clear Line of Sight. The facing of the attacker's head does not matter.
With Double Spaced figures, facing does matter, as certain areas of the body may block Line of Sight.

The line-of-sight in the FAQ is kind of interesting. If I'm understanding it correctly LOS can be blocked by anything- including your own men. Big-ass figs sometimes can't see over their own bits (they mentioned the orc lizard-rider) and facing also seems to count. What they describe is almost a firing arc. (Making multi-hex figures a bit harder to use than single-hex.)

However, it also mentions being able to fiddle with your own minis (including ones not having an order token) at any point in your turn. So the front line could "turn sideways" to clear a shot then turn back to block an opponent's counterattack.
I guess the extension of this would also explain the lack of a firing arc for single-hex minis. They can just rotate in place.

'Course, they also stress the "any part of the hit zone" rule. Being able to see a fig's arm (if it's in red) between the armpit of another mini or under a giant's legs, etc... seems to be good enough for LOS, so I don't think would start too many arguments.
How do the multiple-base figs handle rotation, though? It says you can flip it in it's squares for free (no movement.) I'd imagine pivoting it (one hex in place, the other changing) would be a normal movement?

Does Cyberclaw also affect a character with Ghost Walk or Disengage?
Yes. As soon as they pass onto a space adjacent to Major X17, they are locked into the engagement. No special power on an army card or glyph can get them out of the engagement.

The clamps! The clamps!

Can Tor-Kul-Na start to use Trample Stomp even before he has moved 1 space? Let’s say for example, he starts adjacent to Drake, can he roll for Trample Stomp without even moving?
A figure can move 0 spaces, and the Army Card states “at any point while moving. So yes, he can stay where he is and use Trample Stomp as long as he could move onto the space that Drake occupied if the wound from Trample Stomp happens to destroy Drake.

There is another fig mentioned in the FAQ regarding on-move abilities. 0-space moves are legit, so Farva's big stompy was actually quite a bit stompier. And that disengagement-to-turn thing was unnecessary.