Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 7/29/2007 10:11:00 PM

Farva, I think I found a good Dwarf mini to mod into your chain fighter.
Reaper - Snorri Oathbreaker.


Chop that crossbow out of his hand, and he's got a great base pose.

Published by Jeremy on 7/26/2007 04:33:00 PM

I can and will use you deceased brother and gnomish buddy as plot hooks in the future.


Published by John on 7/25/2007 11:16:00 PM

Jeremy - That looks great to me. It is now the official history of your family. I can and will use you deceased brother and gnomish buddy as plot hooks in the future. Thanks.

Everyone else - So get off your butts and give me something to work with here. I promise to use everything that you give me to customize the adventure for you characters. This will maximize your role play opportunities.

Published by Jeremy on 7/25/2007 09:14:00 PM

John - You'd sounded on Monday like you were interested in some sort of backstory for the characters.

I haven't been able to write down anything resembling a coherent timeline, but here are some notes regarding Kara's history. (I went ahead and generated names. Feel free to change anything if needed to jive with your history.)

Youngest of 5 siblings. 4 older brothers:
Bláinn (Fighter)
Glóinn (Fighter)
Drofin (Cleric)
Nordrin [Deceased] (Rogue. Killed during Marcus War.)

Ulfrun - Father, Rogue/Fighter (Retired after Marcus War partially due to nagging injuries sustained during the combat, mostly due to pleading by the wife after the death of their son- a rogue who was growing up to be "just like his father.")
Austri - Mother, Cleric

When she was very young (pre-War) Kara would often sneak out of the underground through a secret passage found by Nordrin. She was also caught often, leading to many scoldings by a worried mother. Ulfrun, a rogue himself, found the wanderings about in secret and restricted areas amusing, dealing out milder punishments for "being sloppy enough to get caught" rather than disobeying them.) Austri later provided the Cure Light Wand the moment Kara was schooled enough to cast from it. ("If you're going to keep wandering around out where it is dangerous, you keep this with you so you don't end up bleeding to death somewhere while you're lost in the woods. Now come inside before you're eaten by a bear.")

She played frequently with a group of gnome children- an experience which left her with a moderate understanding of the gnomish language, and the belief that she can actually sit down and have a conversation with burrowing mammals. ("Snuffles understand every word I tell her... damnit. She just doesn't always listen."

This time before the war includes a nearly 10-year friendship with one young gnome named Wizzle Omnigear - Alchemic Engineer whizkid extrodinare! (When Wizzle wasn't accidentally setting himself on fire attempting to make a rocket pack using alchemical fire and hollowed-out reeds/bamboo, his tinkerings were what got Kara interested in Dwarven engineering. This later inspired the Crossbow-o-Doom.)

She has not seen or heard from the gnomes since the migration to the new Gnomehome. When hearing the announcement that scouts were being recruited for a trip to that area, she jumped at the opportunity.

Published by John on 7/23/2007 01:15:00 PM

Jeremy - That is pretty cool. In fact I'll say that the little bugger is following you around and when you get the chance you can work with him. Until he is "official" I'll just say he ducks out of the way during combat.

All - Scott called me today and he is planning on coming tonight. I filled him in on the back story for the new game and he is prepping a new character. I'm really looking forward to this game. I promise that it has some legs and we should be playing this campaign for a while. See you guys tonight.

Published by Jeremy on 7/22/2007 05:08:00 PM


Published by Jeremy on 7/22/2007 02:44:00 PM

John - I'm happy with the standard list of animals. If it is OK with you, I'd like to include my animal companion in my character creation, even though I'm not high enough level to actually travel with it. (ie. still too young, and I haven't completed training.)

She is a badger and her name is Snuffles.

Published by John on 7/20/2007 07:43:00 AM

Bubbles - I only want spells from the 3.5 PHB. Feats I'm not going to be so strict on. If you have a feat that you want that isn't in the 3.5 PHB you will have to get it approved by me.

Jeremy - Do you have any ideas what you may want? Much of the campaign is going to be set underground for the first few levels which means you have access to all sorts of exotic stuff.

Did anyone have any other questions for me before Monday? If so post them here and I'll get them answered. I'm very excited to start another game. I feel like my batteries have been recharged and I'm ready to go!

Published by Bubbles on 7/19/2007 03:44:00 PM

Is it okay to use spell and feats from the non core books(Complete Divine and what not.)?

Published by Jeremy on 7/19/2007 03:18:00 PM


3.0 Rangers used to get an animal companion at 1st level. 3.5 Rangers (which I'm using, for the new specialization rules) don't get a companion till level 4.

I've got the appropriate animal handling skills. When the opportunity comes, I should be able to grab one in the wild.

Published by Bubbles on 7/19/2007 02:42:00 PM

Yeah Casey will most likely be playing, I was talking to him and I think he'll be making a Barbarian.

Published by John on 7/19/2007 12:19:00 PM

Dustin - Thanks for the clarification.

Jeremy - I don't remember off the top of my head when Rangers get their companion. If you have one already please make sure that it is an appropriate animal for your underground home.

Bubbles - Cool. Dorf clerics are the best!

Do you guys know if Farve was expecting to bring his friend again?

Published by Bubbles on 7/19/2007 12:41:00 AM


Dwarven Cleric

Published by Jeremy on 7/18/2007 08:18:00 PM

Ah surveyin' group, you say?

Yer' gonna' be needin' a scout that knows the terrain, then. At least, unless ya' all plan to go wonderin' off into the woods blind as a 'uman in the Underdark!

Darf Ranger, reportin'!

Published by Dustin on 7/18/2007 05:03:00 PM

I was thinking slightly crazy in dwarven standard, like not wearing armor or fighting with an axe.

Published by John on 7/18/2007 03:23:00 PM

Okay a few more things to talk about

More background on the clan: The Hammerfall clan is responsible for the security of not only the King and his court, but that of the entire kingdom as well. While not as powerful as the military clans they still hold a great deal of influence with the king. Additionally while the military clans have no interest in what transpires outside of Dwarven lands the Hammerfall clan does. By default this makes your clan a very important source of information.

Dustin - Define crazy? As a member of the Hammerfall clan you would have to be able to at least function as a member of society. Any truly odd members of the clan are "fixed" so as to not cause any embarrassment of the clan.

I would also be interested in what you other guys may want to play.

Published by Dustin on 7/17/2007 05:14:00 PM

Umm... dibs on the wizzard.
He shall be Ixidor Hammerfall.
Chaotic Good, slightly crazy.
Publish Post

Published by John on 7/17/2007 03:33:00 PM

So next week instead of Farve's game we will be starting a new game run by yours truly. Here is what I had in mind.

You are all members of the Hammerfall clan of Dwarves. Even though you are all of noble blood you have no real standing or place in the clan. The only way that you can get standing with the clan is by leaving the comforts of the Dwarven citadel and making a name for yourself. So when the clan let it be known that they were organizing an expedition to survey the situation in the Gnomish lands you all jumped at the chance. This is how and why you are all together.

1. Everyone must be a Dwarf (duh!)
2. The only alignments allowed are - Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Good.
3. Any of the classes from the 3.5 PHB are allowed. You will need to make sure that you have at least one healer and one mage/sorcerer in the party (storyline requires it)
4. I'm starting the party out at 3rd level. If you are able to purchase magic with your starting funds you must clear all items with me before the first session.
5. The setting for the game is my world approximately 25 years after the destruction of the Blue Dragon Knights by the Black Hand.

I will have more details for you guys on Monday. Please bring finished characters with you to the first session. I don't want to waste time making characters if I can avoid it. I'm really looking forward to this.

Published by Dustin on 7/16/2007 12:45:00 PM

Thats just wrong.

Published by John on 7/16/2007 08:22:00 AM

This is so wrong that I have to see it.....


Published by John on 7/13/2007 03:53:00 PM

This is some killer shit right here! Now lets go fuck Galvetron up his ass!!!!


Published by Jeremy on 7/08/2007 09:13:00 PM

Dustin, if you read this before you come over give me a call. I thought the plan was you were going to contact me sometime over the weekend to grab that couch? (I tried to call your cell yesterday and it just went straight to voicemail.)

I usually get off work at 3PM. Any time between then and the game we could grab that couch. The basement is looking kind of empty without one, 'cause the brown one is gone.

Farva has informed me that he'll probably be arriving late for Monday's festivities, so it's probably movie-day.

Published by John on 7/07/2007 12:14:00 PM

Yeah I saw that in the news as well. One has to wonder how much longer Microsoft is willing to lose that kind of money. God help us if they do ever manage to run Sony and/or Nintendo out of business because then they will jack the prices up to make money on their consoles. That would suck.

Published by Jeremy on 7/05/2007 08:33:00 PM

SEATTLE (AP) -- Microsoft Corp. said Thursday it expects to spend more than $1 billion to repair widespread hardware problems in its Xbox 360 video game console after a large number of them broke down.

Published by Dustin on 7/01/2007 01:54:00 AM

Shatzer-- I hope you read this before you leave tomorrow. They have changed my schedule so that I'm going to get this Sunday off, and work every other week. So, if its kewl, can I play tomorrow? And if yes, can I bring a co-worker with me to play as well?