Alltel fucking sucks. They'll send me text messages to let me know I can buy a text message package for my phone, but not to tell me the fucking thing has been out of minutes for the last few days.
Apparently I'm going back to Tracfone, damnit. Bastards may not speak English, and their customer service sucks, but their phones at least have a time display. And when you're out of time, it still works for voicemail. (Alltel's POS service tells you the number is out of service.)
Didn't I do this same bitch last month at about this time?
Fuck it. New phone is on order. I'll have to figure out the phone number when it gets here. Tracfone's web page says it supports number portability (which Alltel doesn't have on their prepaid phones...) so maybe I'll actually keep the same number. Or go back to the old one. Dunno. We'll see.
(Farva, thanks for tellin' me about the new stuff from Tracfone. I ended up getting their $130 package for a year's service, 400 minutes, and "all minutes doubled for life." (So, 800 minutes.) More bonus minutes, even more bonus minutes if it'll let me transfer my phone number. Oh, and the "free" Motorola with the camera.)