Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 03:40:00 PM

Yeah I remember you talking about it one day so I figured I should post it. I've always meant to check it out but never have.

Published by John on 11/30/2006 03:01:00 PM

Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick! That is my favorite comic ever! If they screw this up I swear to god I'll track them down and kick them in the nuts........

So have you guys read Preacher? The whole series is available in a collection of Graphic Novels. It is a really good read.

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 02:30:00 PM

Oh John did you know about this?

Published by Bubbles on 11/30/2006 02:11:00 PM

That seems like its going to be all kinds of fucked up.

Published by John on 11/30/2006 01:59:00 PM

So cool story for you guys. I've started a movie review blog where I review the horror films that I've watched. I've gotten some feedback (including hate mail from a director that I was not very nice to!). But something happened that I hadn't expected. The director of a short 15 minute movie contacted me and asked if he could send me a screener of his film. Yes someone actually read my blog and thought to themselves "I want this idiot to see my movie". Go figure. So anyways the movie is called Night of the Hell Hamsters.


So anyone want to watch it with me :)

Published by John on 11/27/2006 09:33:00 AM

Scott--It's all good, work sometimes happens. Just so you know I am looking forward to playing your game. The last time we played I was in sort of a funk that really isn't your fault.

All--Since we aren't having a game tonight I think that I'm going to head home and take care of some work that I need to get done. I'll see you guys next week.

Published by Jeremy on 11/27/2006 06:29:00 AM

We could hit some place for dinner?

Published by Bubbles on 11/27/2006 01:59:00 AM

Hmm well does that mean that we wont be getting together then? Or are we still gonna do something.

Published by Dunesmuggler on 11/26/2006 06:32:00 PM

Hey guys,

I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow night. I just found out I have to work it, which isn't /too/ bad since I need to buy a new car. Sorry for any inconvenience, but we really haven't been doing much with the game anyway.

Talk to you guys later.


Published by John on 11/25/2006 09:24:00 PM

I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I know that I did, ate way too much turkey.

Published by John on 11/21/2006 10:45:00 AM

Just wanted to thank Jeremy for all of the good food last night. I know that it took some effort on your part to cook for our lazy asses and I really appreciate it. The films were pretty damn cool as well. I had forgotten how much I enjoy both Time Bandits and Baron Munchausen. I think a good time was had by all.

Scott--I'm looking forward to next weeks game. I promise I will be there. I had a couple of crazy weeks in a row. I also know that Dustin is planning on being there as well. He may even be bringing a new gamer!

See you guys later.

Published by Jeremy on 11/20/2006 01:31:00 AM

If you would all like to shuffle in tomorrow, I'm allowing you bums into my home as early as 4PM. I took the day off, so I don't have to worry about sleeping in late.

Published by John on 11/18/2006 01:26:00 AM

Jeremy--Nah I didn't hang onto anything when I moved into my new position. In fact I don't think that I've ever even ordered any of those.

Cthulu puppet + You Tube = Some pretty funny shit!

Published by Jeremy on 11/17/2006 09:39:00 PM

Hey John - Do you happen to have any of the replacement rubber dot-feet for the bottom of the powerbooks in your office somewhere?

They sell 'em online. I was gonna' buy a few. Figured I'd ask first. I know you work on 'em, so I figure it's worth a shot asking... maybe you've got one of those factory-sheets with a few dozen of 'em still stuck to it. :)

Published by Bubbles on 11/17/2006 12:57:00 AM

That was fucking great, haha.

Published by John on 11/16/2006 04:25:00 PM

Check this out.


Published by Jeremy on 11/16/2006 09:12:00 AM

Yeah, we're still on for Monday.

I've got the actual food food pretty well covered, I think, but we could always use drinks. You're just getting water or a few flavors of Crystal Light from me.

Chips, side dishes, whatever you want. I haven't gone shopping yet (saving it for one of my days off...) but I'm probably going with chicken wings or leg quarters depending on what I can find, corndogage, and some sort of baked potato thing that would be suitable for those who don't feast on the flesh of dead animals. Jason may decide to show up.

Published by John on 11/16/2006 08:53:00 AM

Okay a few things.

1. Sorry about Monday night. I had picked up my beagle from the Vet and taken him home. He had one of those collars on him (he had 4 tumors removed!) and when my wife saw him she freaked out. She went from "Don't you dare leave me here alone with a sick dog" to "Go away and leave me alone". When push came to shove I decided to stay and take care of it. One of those "husband" things that you have to do sometimes.

2. Speaking of Monday what did I miss? I know that I was a bit grouchy at the last game, but I was actually looking forward to playing. I hope you guys did okay without your super cool healer chick who flees in an honorable goblin fashion at the first sign of danger! :)

3. I broke down and purchased one of those Nintendo Gameboy DS thingys last night. It is super cool. That means I have a Gameboy Advanced for sale. It is one of the nice silver ones with the good backlight. I've kept it really nice, almost like new. Let me know if anyone is interested and we can talk price. I guarantee you I will be cheaper than the game store.

4. We are still on for next weeks movie night right? I've been really looking forward to it. Jeremy what can I bring in addition to money for the food? Do we need soda, chips or something like that?

Later guys. I promise I will be at movie night next week.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 02:45:00 PM

Hey guys I have to pick up my dog from the vet tonight. I will be at the game, but it will be closer to 6pm than my normal arrival time. See you then.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 11:27:00 AM

I don't understand you will play the gay game, but when alternative lifestyle stormtrooper comes around you push him away..... Bwahahahahahahahahahaha...... :P

Published by Bubbles on 11/13/2006 03:27:00 AM

I don't give a god damn! That game is fun as hell.

Published by John on 11/13/2006 12:08:00 AM

Okay seriously Bubbles I watched people play that game at the Best Buy in Canton. You seriously can't look hetro while playing a little plastic guitar in front of a television. :P

Published by Bubbles on 11/12/2006 12:00:00 AM


Published by John on 11/10/2006 03:40:00 PM

Bubbles -- That game is super gay!!!!!!

Farve -- Figured out how to change the font size and color eh? If we decide to do another Baglecon it will be sometime early in 07.

Published by dave on 11/10/2006 02:37:00 AM

i hate o h i o . now that i got that off my chest i feel better . sorry being on house arrest
s u c k alot . if u do baglecon can we do it after the 30 of nov. so i can come plz.
bubs } we hav one set up at the walmart where i work . its so koool . iplay it on luch all the time !!!

Published by Bubbles on 11/07/2006 12:59:00 PM

GUITAR HERO 2 OUT TODAY! Now only if my ps2 worked :(

Published by John on 11/07/2006 10:08:00 AM

Jeremy I forgot to tell you that Richard finished our Baglecon logo. This is a 3d logo so he can customize to to whatever we would need. Speaking of Baglecon I'm thinking that we need to start organizing and begging for free swag again if we want to have another event.

Published by John on 11/07/2006 09:00:00 AM

Yeah well I actually had two reasons to go to the vet. First Wolfgang has a couple of tumors that they are going to remove and biopsy. The second is that I had to take our new puppy in for her first checkup. Yes we bought a new dog :(

Jennifer wanted to get a lapdog, so now I have this little 2 pound 6 ounce bundle of joy to deal with........

Published by Jeremy on 11/06/2006 05:28:00 PM

John - Yer' dogs having problems again?

The new schedule was made a few days ago, so had to put in my request already if I wanted to get those days off. So I work seven straight, then I get off the 19th and 20th.

The 20th is a go for Gilliam, cause I'm watching it and eatin' wings whether the rest of you assmonkey puppets show up or not. ;)

Published by John on 11/06/2006 03:11:00 PM

I've got to take one of my dogs to the vet tonight. Sorry for the late notice.

Jeremy--I realized that I really want to have a Terry Gilliam film night. So to hell with Dustin, let's plan the shindig. If he shows he shows. Also let me know what I can bring or how much I need to pony up to have it "catered" :)

Later guys, and sorry about tonight.

Published by John on 11/02/2006 03:30:00 PM

So I've been having fun posting to another blog that I've started. I review the horror films that I've been watching. Thought that I would link the other blog here. Take a look and let me know what you think.

