Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 8/31/2006 01:49:00 PM

I'm free on both Saturday and Sunday. We could do lunch and a movie :)

Published by Jeremy on 8/31/2006 04:59:00 AM

We need to do something this weekend.

What is everyone doing on Friday?

Dustin - Have you got a replacement video cable on order yet? I will be needing that 10-footer back soon.

Published by John on 8/28/2006 03:34:00 PM

I can't really promise at this point that I can make it. I suppose that means that most likely we aren't gaming tonight. Scott will be at the next game and I will be ready. So I suppose we should call it for tonight. Not really my call though :(

Published by Bubbles on 8/28/2006 12:49:00 PM

So..is there a game today?

Published by John on 8/28/2006 09:15:00 AM

Hey guys Molly (one of my dogs) is really sick. I have to take her to the vet right after work. So if I can make it at all (if she is okay) I'll be late. Just an FYI.

Published by Jeremy on 8/28/2006 07:11:00 AM

I dunno. I still don't have the basement ready for watching movies.... so I guess we just wait for Dustin and hope he's got something.

John - I ended up using a program called "Q." (An OSX port of a QEmu with a nice GUI.) After a bit of reading, I've actually got a stable install of 98 on the laptop now. It only runs in a window, but it runs.

Kinda' cool... except now I don't know what to do with it. I highly doubt I'm going to get an emulated copy of Windows 98 to work using an Apple wireless card.

Published by Bubbles on 8/28/2006 12:11:00 AM

Hmm no clue.

Saw Clerks II today and that movie is fucking hilarious, so fucking funny.

Published by John on 8/27/2006 03:51:00 PM


Sunday morning at 8:30 am h. h. gregg delivered my 52 inch television. THESE ZOMBIES ARE FUCKING HUGE!!!!!!!


All--So any idea what we are going to do on Monday? We have three players and Dustin to run his game (if he shows :p). Just wondering.

Jeremy--Virtual PC works fine on an old school processor. Anything above windows 98 tends to run like shit. I wouldn't want to try to game thru it either. But for most other programs it works fine.

Published by Jeremy on 8/26/2006 10:44:00 PM

Hey John,

I know I've probably asked this before, but what experience (if any) do you have with Windows emulation on a Mac?

I think this laptop has enough ass to handle a Windows 98 Emulation, so I've been poking around with VirtualPC and the like.

If you had any suggestions on programs? Can it even be done without an Intel Core processor?

Published by Jeremy on 8/22/2006 06:53:00 AM

Dutch I think. (Netherlands?)

Published by Bubbles on 8/21/2006 12:19:00 PM

Are those guys like, German rappers?

Published by Jeremy on 8/20/2006 10:39:00 PM

Hey... it is Monday again.

What's goin' on?


Published by Jeremy on 8/19/2006 03:26:00 AM


Published by dave on 8/18/2006 12:44:00 AM

im sad to say that im not comming to the game for some time . im have trouble at home and work . i loved playing in the game with u all and hope u will let me keep posting on the blog and u will see me on wow . ihav an alt steelwiskers orc lock if u guy want to get hold of me call at my home number614 873 1691


Published by Bubbles on 8/17/2006 12:36:00 PM

Allright well it seems someone has figured out/found the password to the account I was playing on and changed it. My friend is gonna have the person he got it from call today. Not a real big lose, I was getting tired of grinding and what now anyway, haha.

Published by Jeremy on 8/17/2006 06:53:00 AM

Published by dave on 8/14/2006 06:11:00 PM

sorry my post is late had to work [sad ]

Published by Jeremy on 8/12/2006 05:12:00 AM

I'm waiting for the Tunuk Tunuk Tun remix featuring Draenei.

It will happen. You know it will happen.

Published by John on 8/11/2006 03:01:00 PM

Scott--Welcome to the blog. Never ever lead off with a gay joke against the moderator :P


Good stuff :)

Published by Bubbles on 8/11/2006 02:31:00 PM

I hate, Nightelfs!

Published by Dunesmuggler on 8/11/2006 11:38:00 AM


Alright... now I get why John likes WoW.


Published by Jeremy on 8/10/2006 05:48:00 PM

Yay for Thursday!

Published by John on 8/10/2006 02:00:00 PM

Woo Hoo it is Thursday.... :)

Published by Bubbles on 8/09/2006 01:32:00 PM

I'm allright.
I'm about to start AOE grinding but I need to find a good spot to do it first.

Published by John on 8/09/2006 08:00:00 AM

We actually won a WSG in the 40-49 bracket last night!!!!! Woot.

How is everyone doing?

Published by John on 8/08/2006 07:22:00 AM

I had a great time last night. I know the game was a little slow and the xp a bit light... but hey you guys got lots of loot :P

Published by John on 8/07/2006 03:15:00 PM

So there appears to be no way to make blogger turn off word verification...... :(

Published by John on 8/07/2006 09:17:00 AM

Farve-Plus 18 more for training...... :P

All-Hit 40. Got my neato dead horsey!!!!!!! Very fast :)

Published by dave on 8/04/2006 08:49:00 PM

50 gold 30 more for my mount.

Published by Bubbles on 8/03/2006 08:09:00 PM

Server restarts are gay.

Published by John on 8/03/2006 03:17:00 PM

Post post McPosty...... Where the hell is everyone?


"some people are so cool they have to have signatures on their posts"

Published by John on 8/02/2006 09:05:00 AM

Bubbles-Woot welcome back to the wonderful world of WoW. Roll call time

Gromero - Forsaken Warrior - 37th level - main
Dargento - Forsaken Mage - 6th level - DE mule
Hawa - Tauren Druid - 6th level - Alt (wanted to hold the name, not playing until Gromero is level 60... I swear.... I will *not* suffer from Alt syndrome... Oh god noes I want to heal)

Farve, Jeremy, Bubbles?

Dustin-I can't wait until you move so you can start playing again. FOR THE HORDE!!!! Of course by then I'll be all elite and laugh at your noobness :P

Published by John on 8/01/2006 07:16:00 AM

Bubbles-Oh yeah Dustin will give you a ride alright =0

Farve-Being sick sucks.......

All-Last night was fun. Sorry to break your story line Dustin. It just happens that I'm not stupid enough to smash everything that I find. Well not always anyhow :)

Later guys.