So I'm loud and obnoxious, but at least I'm not an egomaniacal control freak who whines like bitch when he looses a fucking card game. But hey, if you'd rather have John than me, when I was willing to keep playing with him, oh well. He'll probably even be well behaved for a week or two since you let him prove that you're still his little assmonkey puppets and kicked me out.
Dusty: thanks for the offer to let me keep playing in your other games with the people who have never, ever stayed in a game for more than a few weeks. But I prefer a real game, so I doubt I'll be taking you up on that, since those games will never last.
To the rest of you, well Farva and Caroline anyhow, since nobody else ever reads this thing, have a nice life and remember to kiss John's ass or you could be next.