Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 9/30/2005 07:15:00 PM

Ah... I've had that happen a few times. I sware XP can't format an NTFS partition the same way twice, and won't read a drive unless it was formatted under its own install.

My USB external bay has always come to the rescue for me. Windows won't read the drive directly, but it will read 'em through the external for some reason. Of course, now you have to figure out where the hell to stick 200g of data while you copy it over.

Hope you bought a lot of DVDs.

Published by Anonymous on 9/30/2005 12:38:00 PM

Jeremy, I might have a lil data recovery project for ya, I reinstalled windows on my 40g hdd, and now it wont recognise my 200g hdd, it wants me to format the damed thing and lose all my data.

Published by Anonymous on 9/27/2005 01:17:00 PM

Scooter is a good friend of mine from the shop, he plays in my Monday game, and hes pretty good, if we decide we don't like him, he can not play if ya want.

Published by Jeremy on 9/27/2005 01:13:00 PM

Who is Scooter?

Published by dave on 9/27/2005 12:40:00 PM

{sad} sorry to see u go

Published by John on 9/27/2005 12:19:00 PM

Okay so I've learned two very valuable lessons in the last 24 hours.

1. When closing a car door remember to have your hand out of the way. I actually shut my thumb in the car door! The door was locked too! Very painful, I don't think anything is broken :)

2. When you apply bengay to yourself make sure to wash your hands BEFORE going to the bathroom. >_<

Published by Anonymous on 9/27/2005 09:57:00 AM

Unfortunately, I think Shatzer is going to be quitting gaming for a while, at least with our group. There are 2 People that I would like to invite to join our group for a while. Bubbles and Scooter would like to become perminate members of the group, I told them that I would ask before I gave them approval, so does anyone have a problem with them joining?

Published by Jeremy on 9/26/2005 06:44:00 PM

Sorry to have you go, Shatzer.

Are you still avaialble for another day of the week if we do end up shuffling some days around in the future, or are you pretty much just going to be free the occasional Friday?

(You are still free on the occasional Friday, right?)

Published by John on 9/26/2005 10:33:00 AM

Tuesday night gaming isn't going to work for me anymore. Dustin is aware of this and hopefully can pickup the slack. In the words of the great Douglas Adams "so long and thanks for all the fish."

Published by Anonymous on 9/23/2005 05:41:00 PM

Im gonna be there at like 9:00 to open the shop, Leon probibly works till 2:00, and every1 els who plays L5r will probibly be there at 2:00. I say you should show to see who is here at 12:00, but we might be calling the Tourny because alot of ppl who play are going to the magic pre release.

Published by John on 9/23/2005 10:37:00 AM

Thanks for the update :)

Dustin and Leon--Can we all meet at the comic shop like at noon to play the L5R tournament? I need to leave early this week. I have a party to go to. Otherwise I guess someone else gets to win this weekend. :P

Published by Jeremy on 9/22/2005 08:31:00 PM

We ended up not getting started till late, as usual. So we didn't get a chance to completely wrap up the campaign.

Leon borrowed your godlike dice-rolling mojo for this session. Hacking computer networks, breaking through security systems, that kind of thing. He tracked members of the group that has been hitting the bloodbanks down to an abandoned military base.

Some people got stabbed. Some others got shot in the face. Two more humans need to fall down, and one badly injured vampire then we're done. We're close to wrapping up that "boss fight" right now. I'd imagine we can wrap it up in less than a half hour next session. Vampy is either going to fall down, or he's going to flee on us.

Either way, we'll be done in two, maybe three combat rounds.

Published by John on 9/22/2005 01:07:00 PM

Well no one responded to me.......

I can only guess that Dustin has given you all the sickness o'doom. Fear not I'll come to each and every one of your homes to keep you guys from going "bad". Gots ta aim fer de hed! :-0

Published by John on 9/21/2005 12:17:00 PM

Okay guys so what manner of mayhem and chaos did I miss last night? Did you guys kill stuff :)

Published by John on 9/20/2005 03:06:00 PM

I've thrown my back out. I won't be there tonight.

Published by John on 9/19/2005 01:18:00 PM

Dustin--For some reason I had it in my head you were going to call me. Sorry I missed out on the shrimp :(

Watched a couple of new "zombie" films this weekend. One was a giant steaming pile of crap. The other..... well all I can say is LINE DANCING ZOMBIES. :-0

Published by Anonymous on 9/17/2005 09:31:00 PM

I was thinking on 5:00, but im gonna be at the comic shop earlier.

Published by John on 9/16/2005 02:47:00 PM

Meh. The website I posted is much cooler.

See everyone this weekend. Dustin you need to post a time for Sunday.

Published by Anonymous on 9/16/2005 11:53:00 AM

http://www.redlobster.com/homeflash.asp :)

Published by John on 9/15/2005 09:29:00 AM


Best website ever!

Published by John on 9/14/2005 08:45:00 AM

Well I had a really good time last night. We are still working out the bugs on the system (ie. I don't know all the rules yet). Still the system is pretty neat. I'm glad you guys like the system. I already have some more traditional zombie settings, as well as a Firefly type game written.

Dustin--Sunday looks pretty good for me. Many sea bugs will be consumed :)

Published by John on 9/13/2005 01:47:00 PM

*bad cajun accent*

Oh Dusty. Yeah he dead........

Of course this makes no sense if you didnt' play in my last CoC game :)

ps: So how are you feeling Dustin? How the hell do you get Bronchitis in the middle of summer ye damned fool :P

Published by Jeremy on 9/13/2005 12:11:00 PM

Oh goodie! Dustin is infectious again!

Published by John on 9/13/2005 09:24:00 AM

So last night I wrote a bunch of stuff for the AFMBE game. Sometimes when I feel like I've reached that pinacle of weirdness I suprise myself :)

Everyone must go rent a movie called Dead End as soon as possible. It is a cool scary low budget flick. Good stuff.

See everyone tonight.

Published by John on 9/12/2005 03:37:00 PM

Dustin--Dude as much as I want you to come. Please don't come if you are still sick. Well more importantly if you could make me sick. Sharing is cool, but being contagious sucks big monkey balls! That is all...... :)

Published by Anonymous on 9/12/2005 03:01:00 PM

I have my truck, but I have bronchitis. Its getting better, and I should be there.

Published by John on 9/12/2005 12:58:00 PM

So does Dustin have his truck back? I was just wondering if I should tweak the storyline for him being there or not :)

So how was everyones weekend?

Published by Jeremy on 9/08/2005 07:14:00 PM

10 will be fine.

Published by John on 9/08/2005 03:12:00 PM

Jeremy--I'm thinking of picking you up at 10am. That work for you? We should then be arriving in Columbus around luchtime. Indian food FTW!

Published by Jeremy on 9/08/2005 09:59:00 AM

I suppose with an appliance dolly and an accomplice, you may actually be able to move that behemoth out of the downstairs room and into your truck.

I'd be upset loosing that 32" monitor, but getting that room back would be nice. :)

(Yeah... door. Lock. Good.)

Published by John on 9/08/2005 09:32:00 AM

No problem. You should really lock your front door :-0

Mame cabinet + Pickup truck = me beating Moonwalker again :)

Published by Jeremy on 9/07/2005 09:13:00 PM

Hey Shatz-

Thanks for dropping the system off. I forgot I had an auction today... was in Canton till about 9pm.

Published by John on 9/07/2005 01:46:00 PM

Jeremy--I can stop over after work today. Be around 6:15 or so. Cool with you?

Published by John on 9/07/2005 10:05:00 AM

Beware the flesh eating poodles of doom! Muhahahahahahahahahahaha.......

Had much fun this week. It was a nice break from roleplaying.

Published by Jeremy on 9/06/2005 04:29:00 PM

Dustin just called. He's got a ride in, so long as someone drops him off at work tonight, which I can do...

Dinner and a movie still sounds good to me, though.

Wild Ginger anyone?

Mmmmn.... War Su Gar... *drool*

Published by Anonymous on 9/06/2005 04:14:00 PM

Movies are fine with me. *shrugs*

(Did I mention I'm bored? boredddd....)

Published by John on 9/06/2005 03:56:00 PM

Well I can show up with a few choice movie selections. We can at least have some supper together if you want. I'll be over unless I hear otherwise.

Published by Jeremy on 9/06/2005 03:25:00 PM

I'm not getting an answer on the number he provided. It is either reporting as disconnected, or to an unnamed voicemail box, depending on when I call. So, it looks like me picking him up is out of the question, unless he calls in the next few minutes. I may be able to grab him when I get done at the post office... (I'm usually there till about 5:20p...)

I'd just as soon call it off, but I still haven't remembered to ask for a more reliable way to contact Caroline other than the blog or email.

I'd hate to have her drive down here to find out we've canceled a game completely, or had decided to just say the hell with the game, buy a bunch of chicken wings from BW3s and watch some bad movies. :)

Caroline - Is there a more reliable way to contact you other than blog or email? :)

Published by John on 9/06/2005 01:44:00 PM

Jeremy--I have zee item for you..... :-0 Yep it's real and ready to go.....

So um are we playing tonight? If not I'm going to Xbox till my eyes bleed! I guess if need be that I can run a CoC game, but I kind of need to know.

Published by John on 9/06/2005 10:12:00 AM

Dustin--Well I don't get out of work until 6pm, so I can't get you. Does that mean you also didn't get the books for your game? Are we even having a game tonight then? I'm confused......

Jeremy--Nevermind about the xbox. I broke down and bought one at game crazy last night. They didn't have my Star Wars game so I picked up Fable. :) Very cool game.

So are we playing tonight?

Published by Anonymous on 9/05/2005 09:45:00 PM

Umm, I wont be able to make it tommorow unless someone want to pick me up, my truck is still broken as of tonight. My # is 3306248291, if anyone wants to give me a call and pick me up, I could make it.

Published by dave on 9/01/2005 01:53:00 PM

i can come on sunday so see u there guys ;}