Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 8/31/2005 02:08:00 PM

I think I found the new truck.

Published by John on 8/31/2005 08:52:00 AM

Dustin--Bummer that you had to work. I had a couple of situations that were kind of written for your Pally to tear up. Oh well I'll just have to write more. I did want to see how you would react to the ZOMBIE COWS OF DOOM! By the way we are going to play on Friday night. I'm going to run a Cthulu game that is part of our campaign. Let me know if you can attend, and if so bring your characters.

All--Had a really good time last night. Everyone played very well, which should of been shown in the nice xp. See you guys Friday.

Dustin, Farve, Leon--I just found out that wifey is working on Saturday. That means I will be there around 12pm to play some cards. You guys going to make it?

Published by Jeremy on 8/30/2005 02:48:00 PM

Don't worry. We won't...


Published by John on 8/30/2005 02:34:00 PM

I'm going to be about 30 minutes late for the game tonight. I should be at Jeremy's place no later than 6:45. No one panic :)

Published by John on 8/30/2005 10:15:00 AM

Jeremy--Oh yeah the laptop. Well I'm a lazy bastage I suppose. I'll have it for you on Friday. Things are slowing down here with the students back, so it will be easy to do now.

Well Sunday works best for me. How does that fit in with the grilling of animals for everyone else?

Published by Jeremy on 8/29/2005 06:51:00 PM

Shatz - Any updates on that laptop?

Leon - I'm online using your PC again. The old network card must be shot- put in one of my spares and everything fired right up. Onboard sound is still FUBAR'd, and causes nasty brokenness to the system from just turning it on. Unfortunately, I can't offer you a spare sound card- you've got an open PCI slot on the motherboard, but that shitty Compaq case doesn't have an opening in the back for it.

Computer is up and running. You'll have to live with no sound until you're ready to upgrade, but at least you'll be back online.

Also- you'd asked about what could be salvaged from the old machine. IMO, the only thing you could possibly save is the hard drive, and you probably won't even need that. (If you buy one made, they all come with drives- if you decide to build one from parts, I've still got 40G drives lying around.) Nothing else is worth keeping, IMO. At least not as a computer. It would make a nice MAME machine, though. ;D

Published by Jeremy on 8/29/2005 06:32:00 PM

I can do Friday. I'll have to make sure to get some work done in the game room before then. I haven't even seen the damned basement since last week.

We also need to get everyone over to do some grilling before it starts getting cold again. I've had like 20 pounds of chicken in the freezer since the middle of June now!

It is Labor Day Weekend. We're required, by Federal law, to consume the slightly-charred flesh of animals (with baked beans and homemade macaroni) on one of these days. Besides, sacrificing animals upon the propane altar pleases the Jeebus.

Leviticus 1:9 - "It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD." (Especially when the offering is covered in my teriyaki BBQ sauce!)

Okay, so he expects a steak. He's gonna' have to settle with chicken. Beef is crazy expensive right now, and I don't like you enough to spend that kind of money. ;)

Sometime this weekend good with any of you?

Published by John on 8/29/2005 03:00:00 PM

Dammit people use the blog! It is your friend!

Don't make me sing...........

Published by John on 8/29/2005 10:12:00 AM

Greetings all

I was thinking that this Friday would be a good night to maybe do a Call of Cthulu game. Anyone up for that? It would actually be part of our currently dormant campagin. You guys still have your characters? If not you can make new ones. I've got a few ideas for the game. Let me know what you guys think. See everyone Tuesday.

Published by Jeremy on 8/23/2005 10:12:00 AM

Farva isn't coming. Does that mean I'm picking up Leon, or does someone else have him?

Leon - If you read this before tonight, can you remember to bring your Windows XP key again? I lost the little scrap of paper I wrote yours on, went ahead and installed on my key. Will need to change it to your key before activating.

Published by Jeremy on 8/21/2005 01:35:00 AM

It is 2:35 AM. Sunday Morning. Leon, I've got your computer here at the hotel. Dunno what was wrong, but after about three failed installs I've stripped the system down to just the motherboard and one memory stick.

Windows finally installed. System seems to be working again. Online using my USB Wireless Adapter. Working on setting up the rest of your system now.

That'll be three-fiddy.

Published by Anonymous on 8/20/2005 02:50:00 PM

Hey Farva. Thought you were going to start using spell check. :P

Published by dave on 8/19/2005 04:01:00 PM

sorry dusty i have to work tuesday os i can,t show
ihave to bail on sat to sorry guys

Published by Jeremy on 8/18/2005 07:05:00 PM

So, what's happening Friday?

Published by Jeremy on 8/16/2005 12:05:00 PM


Published by John on 8/15/2005 10:05:00 PM

Dustin--So I hear you may have something to tell me about Tuesdays game?

Published by John on 8/12/2005 03:23:00 PM

Da Sexy Monkey log in accepted...

::throws poop at Jeremy::

Da Sexy Monkey logging out...

Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........ it just isn't Friday till the poop flies a bit.

Published by Jeremy on 8/12/2005 12:14:00 AM

Oh, c'mon! If you're in a bus station, and they sell postcards for Bizarro World, you have to assume you're in Bizarro World, right? I mean, am I crazy?

Published by John on 8/11/2005 04:50:00 PM


God I love SeaLab :)

Published by Jeremy on 8/11/2005 02:40:00 PM

I'll give you a cookie. :)

Published by John on 8/11/2005 01:41:00 PM

From da Sexy Monkey.....

Yeah well I could do that but it would take effort. If I remember to do it I'll post from home tonight (where the laptop lives).

Sexy Monkey signing off.....

Published by Jeremy on 8/10/2005 05:28:00 PM

Hey sex monkey,

If you're still interested in selling that laptop, would you mind emailing me the series/PN (so I can look up the specs) and the price you were hoping to get for it?

Been looking at what else is available. Don't need to rush to get it ready or anything- I just wanted a price from you to see what range I'm working in.


-Not a sex monkey

Published by John on 8/09/2005 01:09:00 PM

When Farve spells baby jesus cries :(

Published by Jeremy on 8/09/2005 10:30:00 AM

They're dead, Dave. They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Dave.

Published by dave on 8/08/2005 02:47:00 PM

i dont beleave he dead jon you suck ;)

Published by John on 8/08/2005 09:31:00 AM

I'll take the silence to mean everyone agrees with me. WAHOO!


Published by John on 8/05/2005 10:26:00 AM

I'm a sexy monkey.......... DA SEXY MONKEY!

Published by Jeremy on 8/04/2005 04:11:00 PM

Other than the usual troubleshooting advice, not really.

It could just be as simple as a scratch on the install disk. It could just be choking at the same point where it can no longer read the CD.

If you have onboard sound on your motherboard, go into CMOS and disable it completely for the install. Take out the sound card if you have one.

Remove all but one memory stick while you're in there.

If there is a chkdisk utility on the CD or boot disk, run a full check w error correction there, too.

If all else fails, sacrifice a copy of Windows 3.11 on floppy disk to the dark Microsoft gods, and pray for its power.

Other than that... I got nothin.

Published by Anonymous on 8/03/2005 04:02:00 PM

Well my computer seems to be completeing the process of turning itself into a paperweight. Burned off the files this morning, formatted the hard drive and tried to intstall Windows. Halfway through, whoa Blue Screen of Death. Three times now. Same reference every time, something to do with sysaudio.

Unless someone has another suggestion, it looks like time to kill off my internet and CoH subscriptions and start saving that 50 a month for a new comp. Gonna suck using library and comic shop for only access for a few months though :(

Published by Anonymous on 8/02/2005 05:00:00 PM

Jeremy--Yeah, I do check it. Thanks for the message... I've been really busy lately. :/

Published by Jeremy on 8/01/2005 02:36:00 PM

Caroline, do you still check your kent email address?

Published by John on 8/01/2005 10:03:00 AM

Jimmy Hoffa and Ameila Earhart back there too...... :-P