Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 5/18/2005 05:24:00 PM

Also wouldn't it be fun to watch Dustins head splode while you tried to explain to him how you can run a quarter of a mile, paste 1/2 dozen high level demons, and be back in my mansion for the feast in say oh 10 or 12 seconds :)

"You see the Orc army off in the distance."
"How far?"
"Probably close to a half-a-mile."
"HHmn. Can you be more specific?"
"(?) Alright, alright. ::rolls a die:: They're just over 1000 yards."
"Oh, is that all? I charge the leader."
"Okay. Bridgitt begins to run towards the army. The rest of---"
"No, I just attack and run back. Spring attack. I've got range by at least another 300 yards or so. I wanna' hit the leader, then come back to where I'm standing. Does a 67 hit?"
"Sorry, 69. Forgot the charge bonus."
"::quiet sobbing is heard from behind the DM screen::"