Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Jeremy on 4/29/2005 05:12:00 PM

Ha-hah! The K-Mart is mine!

I just hope the cable company stays active even after the zombie invasion. That way we can still play World of Warcarft.

Published by John on 4/29/2005 03:05:00 PM

Dustin--Shit boy I'm already on the roof with my survival supplies. Freakin' NOOB :P

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2005 01:24:00 PM

Im heading to walmart as we speak, shatzer if I see you there im poping you in the head before you shoot me.

Published by John on 4/29/2005 08:09:00 AM


Look at me funny and I'm putting you down with my Mossberg!

Dustin--Cool. What did you think of the trailer? I will get the dates that you will need off.

Leon--You still want to go to Origins? It looks like you, myself, and Dustin so far. Three way split on the room should be okay. More people would make it better :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/29/2005 08:06:00 AM

Shatz, I too was a huge firefly fan. I didn't catch all the episodes, I would love to see them all from the begining, when would be a good time to schedule a viewing? Also, Im in for Origins.

Published by John on 4/28/2005 10:13:00 AM

Dustin--Laptop is finished. I can't get the DVD drive to play movies with the new OS (firmware issue). I figured you would rather have a much better OS then worry about the DVD drive playing movies.

Farve--I have another old macintosh that I can hook you up with if you want. It runs the older OS (system 9.2.2) and will have a word processor installed. If you want it let me know. I want $50 for it.

All--Well I've been writing for the BESM game. I think it is really going to start getting good. I would appreciate a write up the next time we play giving your characters background. I'll need to know that so I can figure out how the current storyline is going to effect you.

Origins--It seems that I'm going to go to Origins this year! I have one more scheduling item to clear up with wifey poo, but it looks good. I will get the hotel reservations in as soon as I know for sure. If/when that happens I will need to know who wants to go. This will determine everyone's cut on the room. Please let me know if you want to go.

Published by John on 4/28/2005 09:17:00 AM

A point based system works well. I still think someone is going to bitch because their bard can't kick a fighters ass :) Stupid stupid peoples......

I'm a huge Firefly fan. This looks awesome. http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/serenity/serenity_large.html

If you haven't seen Firefly TV show I have the DVDs and we should schedule a showing. I actually purchased these bad boys, the show was that good :)

Published by Anonymous on 4/25/2005 01:40:00 PM

All-- Shatzers game is going to be postponed untill the 9th of May, that means that I am going to be running the next 2 Tuesdays in a row, see ya tommorow for my game.

Published by Anonymous on 4/23/2005 09:42:00 AM

Sry Dave, the mb your buying dosnt support that ram style.

Published by dave on 4/23/2005 08:19:00 AM

it does sound like one of mine ;} .

Published by Jeremy on 4/22/2005 03:11:00 PM

Hot deal of the week. I know some of you were looking for memory:

Two sticks of PC3200 400mhz DDR for $49.95 after rebate.


Published by Jeremy on 4/18/2005 12:37:00 PM

Their doing Char creation as a point buy setup, so you can have a really ugly really stupid really strong barbarian as a tank, hey, that sounds like one of Farvas char:)

They kind of had to use point-buy to make it fair. Rolls are far too random for an online game that has to rely on numbers for balance (and not a DM that can manipulate encounters/loot to make things more fair for someone who plays well, but got a bad set of rolls on creation.) It also solves the problem of just having people re-create characters 900 times until they get that one who rolled 2 or 3 18s.

Of course, we're still going to see an assload of 3 CHA / 20 STR Half-Orc Barbarians.

Published by Anonymous on 4/15/2005 01:06:00 PM

Well, they are allowing multiclassing, so Im going to see how well a fighter/rogue combo works if I get into beta, Plz Plz let me get into beta Plz. Their doing Char creation as a point buy setup, so you can have a really ugly really stupid really strong barbarian as a tank, hey, that sounds like one of Farvas char:) their also settled on the world, http://www.wizards.com/eberron, sounds interesting.

Farva and Leon,
Here are the specs of the machine that I currently have for sale, price is $275
P4 2.0 Ghz processor
512 Mg Ecc pc133 ram
40g hdd
Gforce 2 mx 400 128 Mg Vid card
8x4x32x Cd-rw drive
10/100 nic
56k modem
Highpoint Udma100 Raid controller, supports an extra 4 IDE devices, total of 8 supported ide devices
Creative SB Live Value! sound card
Silver Mid tower case with front usb
Windows 2k pro
Additional hdd's are avalible

Published by John on 4/14/2005 02:06:00 PM

I've signed up for the D & D beta test. NERF DRUIDS :)

I wonder how this is going to work. Some classes in the pen and paper game are totally support characters. This is not going to go over well (ala WoW).

Published by Anonymous on 4/14/2005 07:49:00 AM

WoW Orc Dancing PvP (~12 meg wmv file)

Published by Anonymous on 4/13/2005 10:48:00 AM

http://www.rpgdot.com/index.php?hsaction=10077&newsid=37536 D&D beta singup :)

Published by dave on 4/11/2005 11:25:00 PM

hi guys is littel old me see you tommor leon post if you need ride .

Published by John on 4/08/2005 09:43:00 AM

Holy crap I think I'm going to be able to post from work!!!!!!!!

Jeremy and Dustin--If we are still on for Saturday I'll be there between 11:30 and 12:00 cool?

Published by Jeremy on 4/04/2005 03:28:00 PM

We've killed two giants. One dropped dead during the initial Fireball at the camp. The second was nuked by a flamestrike during the first wave.

The only giant left would be the one Hill Giant. Plus another 70+ Orcs, minus any killed in the tent explosion. Plus one really pissed off Shaman. Who's going to frost-shock us to death.

Farva- I don't have my cell on me right now. How much were you wanting to spend on that hard drive?

eCost has a 250GB DeskStar (Hitachi) 7200RPM drive for $124 right now. Limited number/limited time offer.


They also have a Western Digital has a 200GB Drive for $99.95.

Published by Anonymous on 4/03/2005 08:58:00 PM

Dustin--I thought you'd like that book. Don't have the next one here though, sorry.

Didn't we already kill a quarter of those orcs? You said we killed 26, and the one giant, and whoever else the casters killed back at the camp...

Published by Anonymous on 4/01/2005 01:28:00 PM

Enders game was amasing, if anyone has the next book plz bring it with you to the game, and I hope that I dont kill everyone during the rest of the encounter, it sofar is cr14 just with the 1 giant and the 100 orks, good luck and see you all at the game:)