Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by Anonymous on 2/25/2003 04:36:00 PM

Caroline- The epic-party wouldn't even bother with squishing us. Too much effort, and they might get their swords dirty.

Bartlesby would just use one of his favorite spells, wave his hand in our general direction, and in a quite bored voice say "You die now." The entire third-level party falls over dead. No save. No rolls. Then he'd animate our skeletons and use us to carry his luggage. And that's if he's in a GOOD mood. =)

Catch him on a bad day, and he'd just cause a volcano to erupt underneith us, dropping us into a 100-foot across pit of molten lava. Which as far as we can tell, never cools naturally. There are currently hundreds of lava pits pockmarking the continent.