Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets


Published by Jeremy on 11/30/2009 12:22:00 AM

John, you seriously have to help hunt this down. =o

I mean it. Recruit Jason - I'll pay for a bootleg if some shady guy is selling them in front of the theatre. Though it's probably still too new to get anything...

Published by Jeremy on 11/27/2009 07:01:00 PM


Other than the douchenozzles at the game store, who's been making fun of the Wii?
Someone should shove a wiimote up their ass. While playing that music.

No... that's gettin gay again. Oh god... too much gay. It's overwhelmingay.

Published by Dr. Fawkes , , , , on 11/26/2009 11:59:00 PM

You are all the gayest gays to ever gay up being gay. The only thing gayer than you, is that music. What the hell. I mean, my man-on-elf porn has to have a pulsing techno beat, or I just can't get in the mood.

Published by John on 11/26/2009 02:02:00 PM


Okay no one can ever say shit to me about picking a Wii over the X-Box 360. You can call the Nintendo games gay, but they aren't that gay... even that muscle man thing. Just goes to prove that all those twitch kill 15 year old boys living in their parents basements are in the closet or something. :P

Published by Jeremy on 11/26/2009 10:50:00 AM

I picked this up for the 360 but I've yet to play it. I've heard very little about the game so far other than "zomg u can sexxorz!" =/

Published by Bubbles on 11/24/2009 07:30:00 PM

Is it really THAT gay if its an elf?

From the new game DragonAge.

Published by Bubbles on 11/07/2009 03:22:00 AM

Coolest. Cake. Ever.

Also this.

Published by Jeremy on 11/04/2009 02:21:00 PM

I think I may have found the next piece of art for my house.
Hand-painted in oil.