Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by dave on 5/27/2006 11:34:00 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss there is nothing that I or anyone can say to make it better but I wish your mom you and your sister all my prayers.
If you need help with anything call day or night (330 201 7245)

Published by John on 5/26/2006 01:46:00 PM

According to the Daily Record the services for Jeremy's dad are going to be Sunday at 2pm. Anyone that needs help getting to the services please feel free to call me at my home 2643730.

Um just in case you guys didn't realize it yet the Monday games are cancelled until further notice. If you guys still want to meet at the shop and play cards I'm all for that. If we can get in touch with the guys who don't use the blog I would appreciate it. I'll track Scott down, can either Farve or Dustin get in touch with the the two new guys.

Jeremy--Just to stress again that if there is anything I can do for you or your family please feel free to call me.

Published by John on 5/24/2006 07:53:00 AM

God I'm so sorry. Please do not hesitate to call me if you or your family need anything at all.

Published by Jeremy on 5/23/2006 10:23:00 PM

My father, Tony, died this morning at work from a massive heart attack. He complained that he had felt ill, and lost consciousness.

The hospital said that the attack was so severe, they doubt that they could have saved him even if he had passed out in the emergency room.

Services to be announced.

Published by Bubbles on 5/22/2006 11:24:00 AM

whos game is it tonight?

Published by Jeremy on 5/20/2006 10:38:00 PM

BagleCon Update
- The deadline has passed for guaranteed reservations at the hotel. All unclaimed reservations (ie. Shatzer's Room, my room, and the convention room itself) have been taken out of the computer system. The rooms are no longer guaranteed, and have defaulted back to the normal rate of $89 + tax, based on availability.

If you still wanted a room, you'll now have to make reservations through me directly to get the $55 + tax rate. (Assuming any rooms are even still available.)

I will be updating the official page tonight.

Published by Bubbles on 5/14/2006 12:21:00 PM

Pretty sure its John's game.

Published by Jeremy on 5/14/2006 04:36:00 AM

So who's game is it tomorrow, anyway? I need to know if I have to hack out the next chapter of the mushroom farm tonight or not... <.<

Published by Bubbles on 5/11/2006 02:54:00 PM

That should be cool.

I watched the trailer for Super Smash Bros Brawlers, the new smash bros for the Nintendo Wii.
It looks like it will be the greatest game ever made.

Published by John on 5/10/2006 09:36:00 AM

Okay just to let you guys know. I did some research on the Atwood camp grounds in case Dustin's idea doesn't work.

1. They don't take reservations. It is first come first serve, but since this is going to be a monday we shouldn't have any issues getting a spot.

2. We can set up 2 tents on the lot that we rent, and have up to 6 people per lot. That seems to work well for us as well.

3. It is going to be $25 a night. So I figure if we set up on Monday and stay thru Wednesday that is only 2 nights. A mere $50 split four ways.... very cheap :)

So what do you guys think?

Published by John on 5/10/2006 07:47:00 AM

Well I meant to post this yesterday, but work got crazy....

Farve--Thanks for running a game, I had much fun (at Dustin's expense) and am looking forward to more. Hope you don't mind our input as we play, especially Dustin and I. We are only trying to help you avoid the mistakes we all make as we first start running a game.

Dustin--Thanks for being a good sport :)

So camping trip stuff.

Dustin--Did you get to talk to your cousin?

Farve--Can you go?

The dates for the trip are June 19th-June 21st. That is a Monday thru Wednesday. Does that sound good to you guys?

Published by Bubbles on 5/08/2006 12:14:00 PM

Im not doing it.....let dusty, or that sean kid.

Published by John on 5/08/2006 09:53:00 AM

Well this past Thursday I was rushed in an ambulance to the emergency room. I got to pass my first kidney stone!!! I thought I was a pretty tough guy... it brought me to tears. I've never had pain like that before. But not to worry, even though I'm very sore I'm being drugged.

Now you are all probably wondering why I'm sharing this. Well I was prepared to be evil this Monday evening, but now I'm ready to be motherf**cking evil!!!!!! SOMEONE PISS ME OFF I DARE YOU :P

Published by dave on 5/05/2006 04:09:00 PM

yes jeremy 3.

Published by Jeremy on 5/05/2006 02:04:00 AM

Farva - Human Cleric

You said to start them at level 3?

Published by John on 5/04/2006 04:18:00 PM

Bubbles--No way dude you are just weird!!

Jeremy--Well if it did act as a mating call to bears the rest of us would at least have some entertainment....... :)

Farve--Bronze Dragon Sorcerer...... Heh heh heh I choose not to share this information via the blog because I'm all sneaky like that. :P

I so want to camp!!!!! Dustin can you get some time off? Maybe 3 days in the middle of the week? I can see us sitting at a pinic bench, next to a roaring campfire, playing Zombies or magic or something. GAMERS CAMPING RULES!

Published by Bubbles on 5/04/2006 03:14:00 PM

Dwarven Wizard

Dwarven casters are weird.

Published by dave on 5/04/2006 03:06:00 PM

i love to camp !!!
in my game please if u can post race class please?

Published by Jeremy on 5/03/2006 04:35:00 PM

Depends on what you mean by camping. Hiking, fishing, etc... sounds great. Sleeping somewhere without power means I wouldn't have my CPAP machine. So I'd snore, and wake up even more tired and grumpy than usual.

The loud noises might keep wild animals at bay, though. Or it might be the mating call of bears. This would end in tears.

My idea of "roughing it..." means I don't have broadband access.

Published by John on 5/03/2006 02:33:00 PM

The best part about camping is that it is cheap :)

Do you guys want to plan a camping trip? If so I can take some vacation time. Let me know what dates work for you guys. I'll look around for a campground, I like Atwood lake.

Published by Anonymous on 5/03/2006 11:45:00 AM

Camping would be kewl, as long as we can go fishing too.

Published by Bubbles on 5/03/2006 11:30:00 AM

Camping is cool. I Think the last time I went camping I was like 10.

Published by John on 5/03/2006 08:20:00 AM

It doesn't appear that Origins is going to work out for us this year. I can't seem to find a hotel anywhere in Columbus that isn't booked up. Sorry guys. I do have a question for you guys. Do you like to camp? I'm thinking of going camping, it would be cheap and we could spend three days chillin' and playing cards :)

Published by John on 5/02/2006 08:56:00 PM

Well I had fun whooping up on you guys on Monday night. I hope you guys did too. :)