Wooster Gaming Club

and the rest of John's Assmonkey Puppets

Published by John on 3/21/2003 09:35:00 AM

For the Monday game:

A little history...

Poppov the mage was in charge of "training" monsters for use in Marcus the Dragon Lord's army. He used the island for these purposes. No one is quite sure how he did this, but the island was where it happened. When Marcus was defeated and fled to parts unknown he took with him as many of his allies as he could. One of those who fled with him was Poppov. Since then the city of Greyhawk has attempted on several occasions to "clean" the island off. None of these groups have been successful. No one has ever ventured very far into the "training" grounds to map it, plus there are rumors that you can't map it for some "magical" reasons. The island itself is dangerous to get to normally due to the tides and the reefs that surround it. Poppov augmented these natural barriers by importing territorial sea monsters who will also defend it's shorelines.