Published by Bubbles on 12/11/2009 01:48:00 AM
I was playing DDO for a little bit, got a Dwarf Barbarian to level 6, and a very small amount left on the last rank to level 7, and just couldn't play anymore. Not being able to solo with out a hired NPC really sucks.
Published by John on 12/09/2009 03:14:00 PM
Damn it he is still under house arrest? Didn't anyone tell the Judge that his nuts have an appointment with an Air Soft rifle? Sort of a Holiday tradition. :P
Really Farve I hope your computer feels better soon and you can chill again on the Internets.
So I've been playing DDO. Kind of repetitive, but it does seem to be good for a Dungeon Crawl here and there. Though I wouldn't have bothered putting any effort into it if it weren't free.
Really Farve I hope your computer feels better soon and you can chill again on the Internets.
So I've been playing DDO. Kind of repetitive, but it does seem to be good for a Dungeon Crawl here and there. Though I wouldn't have bothered putting any effort into it if it weren't free.
Published by Bubbles on 12/05/2009 06:52:00 PM
Last I heard Farva was on house arrest still, and his computer got infected with some virus that fucked his shit up. Probably from all that creepy porn he watches.
Published by John on 12/04/2009 11:31:00 AM
I want one of those. No I need one of those.
Hey Farva are you still alive? I kind of miss your random posts. I sure how you didn't get "shanked" in your Mom's yard. :P
Hey Farva are you still alive? I kind of miss your random posts. I sure how you didn't get "shanked" in your Mom's yard. :P
Published by Jeremy on 12/03/2009 12:38:00 AM
I told you this would become a real product.