Published by Jeremy on 5/29/2009 08:38:00 AM

WiiWare. That's a downloadable title, not a disk.
Hmmn... I've never tried to install a rip of one before.
I'd have to do some reading just to figure out how to do it...
Published by John on 5/28/2009 04:51:00 PM
Okay I'm thinking the Wii is now officially gay. Just saying....
Crap after watching this example of gameplay I'm thinking that Jeremy really needs to find it! I need to see this live.
Published by John on 5/28/2009 02:18:00 PM
So I know that I tossed the boards and cannabalized the minis, but I think I still have the VHS for the next movie night!
Published by Jeremy on 5/25/2009 10:54:00 PM
I'm still trying to remember what episode of Family Guy that was from...
I'm still trying to remember what episode of Family Guy that was from...
Published by Jeremy on 5/24/2009 08:57:00 PM
Hey Dave Ray,
Were you still wanting to do lawn work here at the house? I've got weeds that need dealt with and still lots of brush to relocate to the gully.
And did you happen to grab a box of AV cables when you moved out?
I've literally gone through every box in the house now and I still can't find about half the cables for my entertainment system. All my component video (5 line - RGB WR), a 3-in-1 component cable for the video game systems, and some of my HDMI stuff is all lost in the ether.
I did find the bungie web for the truck, and a big ol' bottle of your horse shampoo.
Were you still wanting to do lawn work here at the house? I've got weeds that need dealt with and still lots of brush to relocate to the gully.
And did you happen to grab a box of AV cables when you moved out?
I've literally gone through every box in the house now and I still can't find about half the cables for my entertainment system. All my component video (5 line - RGB WR), a 3-in-1 component cable for the video game systems, and some of my HDMI stuff is all lost in the ether.
I did find the bungie web for the truck, and a big ol' bottle of your horse shampoo.
Published by Jeremy on 5/23/2009 11:01:00 PM
I found one of those gems already in this DVD collection.
Vampire Hunter, by a guy named Sean Gallimore.
Writer, Director, Artist (I've seen some of this guy's fantasy portfolio before...). And apparently he's also a Martial Arts Badass Extraordinare.
He mentions it on his site. $5000 budget on Hi-8. Solid work. Audio quality is absolute shiat, though... which is unfortunate, since much of the dialog was actually worth listening to.
I found one of those gems already in this DVD collection.
Vampire Hunter, by a guy named Sean Gallimore.
Writer, Director, Artist (I've seen some of this guy's fantasy portfolio before...). And apparently he's also a Martial Arts Badass Extraordinare.
He mentions it on his site. $5000 budget on Hi-8. Solid work. Audio quality is absolute shiat, though... which is unfortunate, since much of the dialog was actually worth listening to.
Published by Dr. Fawkes change, common problem, lolwut, techno on 5/21/2009 09:59:00 PM
A video everyone on this blog can relate to.
Published by Jeremy on 5/19/2009 11:00:00 PM
Re: Stagefright...

Umn... is that a dude, with an owl's head, and a chain saw?
.... Huh.
(I love this damn movie, John. =D)

Umn... is that a dude, with an owl's head, and a chain saw?
.... Huh.
(I love this damn movie, John. =D)
Published by Dunesmuggler on 5/19/2009 08:37:00 AM
I wasn't missing books. I was looking for someone who had New World of Darkness books I could borrow or buy on the cheap. John has some I think I'm gonna pick up today though so it's all good. Of course if anyone has the Changling book, that would be cool to have as well.
Published by Jeremy on 5/18/2009 10:17:00 PM
What books did you say you were looking for? I found the box with all my gaming stuff in it and have gone through it looking for strays that might have gotten picked up when we were still playing, but I didn't see anything I didn't recognize, save for an extra copy of Monster Manual II.
What books did you say you were looking for? I found the box with all my gaming stuff in it and have gone through it looking for strays that might have gotten picked up when we were still playing, but I didn't see anything I didn't recognize, save for an extra copy of Monster Manual II.
Published by Jeremy on 5/18/2009 06:12:00 PM
You'd asked about a wireless router. I have no spares to sell, but if you're looking for one I recommend:
$32.29 shipped. I use this model myself, and have picked up two others to work in customer's homes for small personal networks. Solid, basic router, with great range.
Newegg also has this recert on special right now for $22.99 shipped. Reviews are pretty solid, but I've never used one, so I can't comment on anything but the price.
You'd asked about a wireless router. I have no spares to sell, but if you're looking for one I recommend:
$32.29 shipped. I use this model myself, and have picked up two others to work in customer's homes for small personal networks. Solid, basic router, with great range.
Newegg also has this recert on special right now for $22.99 shipped. Reviews are pretty solid, but I've never used one, so I can't comment on anything but the price.
Published by John on 5/08/2009 02:25:00 PM
Some Star Trek related posts for you guys.
Oh and I remember watching this on T.V. Star Trek DS9 was an awesome show.
Who needs that bullshit in the theater this weekend?
Okay this is just funny. Be warned it isn't work safe.
Oh and I remember watching this on T.V. Star Trek DS9 was an awesome show.
Who needs that bullshit in the theater this weekend?
Okay this is just funny. Be warned it isn't work safe.
Published by Jeremy on 5/08/2009 11:35:00 AM
That picture I posted was a screencap from that Dante movie I reviewed. I know I've seen those little fuckers used somewhere else, though. I still can't remember where...
Did you ever find the rest of the WW books you were trying to hunt down?
I was digging through my Yahoo account today. Found this I'd sent to myself back in 2004. No idea what the heck it was for... maybe a character backstory or a game I was writing, or something. Unfortunately, it wasn't prophecy, as Chupa(cabra) wasn't discovered till late 2008, and there are no mention of vampires that sparkle.
World Timeline:
2007: Scientists in Brazil discover the first conclusive evidence of
the “Vampire.” A live Chupacabra is captured- a wild, semi-intelligent
dog-like creature that feeds exclusively on the blood of other animals.
Along with this discovery, a previously unknown tribe of warriors who
hunt these creatures.
This discovery reflames the myths of the existence of other vampires.
2008: Environmentalists push for legislation that labels the Chupacabra
as a highly endangered species. This outlaws the hunting and killing of
the Chupacabra for any reason, even by native tribes.
2010: Many tribesman arrested or killed by law enforcement for
poaching. Chupacabra populations continue to rise.
2012: Chupacapbra populations expand to dangerous levels, threatening
local populations. Many reported deaths. Legislation protecting the
Chupacabra repealed, and hunting parties organized.
2012: Environmentalist groups form giant “Save the Chupacabra” sit-in
groups, forming human chains and shields to prevent large-scale hunting
parties from reaching known Chupacabra lairs. Over 1000 PETA members
killed during sit-in during massive Chupacabra attack.
2013: Fueled on by the growing fan-base, and having been hunted
nearly to extinction the first group of true Vampires break the
masquerade and revel themselves to the public, thinking they may be
able to use human sympathy to their advantage.
2013: Vampires explain that their existence in mythology was mostly
true, and offer a public apology for crimes in the past. Explains to
public that modern vampires no longer feed on humans- subsist on animal
blood and artificially-produced blood plasmas. This is met with some
skepticism, but an unusual percentage of the population seems to go
along with it without complaint.
2013: As expected, the appearance of Vampires leads to an increase in
violence versus Vampire kind. More and more vampires continue to make
themselves known, including a number of major players in politics and
major industry.
2013: Vampires lobby to force the Government to admit to the hunting
and eradication of the Vampire clans. FBI records are uncovered showing
that almost 90% of the “Unknown” deaths reported each year are
Vampires. AIDS ws a government experiment at a silently-administered
“vaccine” against Vampire infection that backfired.
2014: Vampires lobby and are added to the list of those with “Protected
Status.” Assault to any Vampire-kind is now an established “Hate
Crime.” Thousands more Goths and Vampire Wannabes openly seek the
embrace. “Bite Mark” scarriring becomes popular among the non-embraced.
2015: Thousands of so-called “Vampire Hunters” are arrested and
prosecuted under increasingly stiff “Vampire Hate Laws.” These laws
continue to be passed without almost no resistance. Gallop polls show
Vampire acceptance to be well over 70%. TV Sitcoms begin to air. Top
Rated Shows include “Fasionable Tremere,” “Everybody loves a Malkavian.
Over 2-dozen movies hit the box office over the next few years
starring Vampires as the Heroic lead.
2016: With almost no previous announcement, the first Vampire announces
his candidacy for president. After a short Supreme Court Argument, it
is decided that the text of the Constitution decrees nothing about
human or non-human kind running for president- just age and
nationality. All Vampires born in the United States are considered
therefore nationalized and eligible for Presidency.
2016: The first Vampire is elected as President by one state. Other
parties insist on vote manipulation by some high-level form of
Dominance, demand re-vote. Courts tell opponents to stop whining.
2020: Vampires continue to face less and less resistance over the next
four years. Anti-vampire “hate crimes” continue, though at a
decreasing frequency. Instead of jail, special “Reform Camps” are
established for re-education of Vampire-based crimes. Vampire
president elected for a second term by a landslide victory.
2022: Having established a solid foothold into American life, Vampire
kind becomes less careful about guarding their secrets. The truth about
Vampire kind begins to come out.
2024: Underground militant groups begin to surface to battle the
Vampires. Most are met with a swift destruction.
That picture I posted was a screencap from that Dante movie I reviewed. I know I've seen those little fuckers used somewhere else, though. I still can't remember where...
Did you ever find the rest of the WW books you were trying to hunt down?
I was digging through my Yahoo account today. Found this I'd sent to myself back in 2004. No idea what the heck it was for... maybe a character backstory or a game I was writing, or something. Unfortunately, it wasn't prophecy, as Chupa(cabra) wasn't discovered till late 2008, and there are no mention of vampires that sparkle.
World Timeline:
2007: Scientists in Brazil discover the first conclusive evidence of
the “Vampire.” A live Chupacabra is captured- a wild, semi-intelligent
dog-like creature that feeds exclusively on the blood of other animals.
Along with this discovery, a previously unknown tribe of warriors who
hunt these creatures.
This discovery reflames the myths of the existence of other vampires.
2008: Environmentalists push for legislation that labels the Chupacabra
as a highly endangered species. This outlaws the hunting and killing of
the Chupacabra for any reason, even by native tribes.
2010: Many tribesman arrested or killed by law enforcement for
poaching. Chupacabra populations continue to rise.
2012: Chupacapbra populations expand to dangerous levels, threatening
local populations. Many reported deaths. Legislation protecting the
Chupacabra repealed, and hunting parties organized.
2012: Environmentalist groups form giant “Save the Chupacabra” sit-in
groups, forming human chains and shields to prevent large-scale hunting
parties from reaching known Chupacabra lairs. Over 1000 PETA members
killed during sit-in during massive Chupacabra attack.
2013: Fueled on by the growing fan-base, and having been hunted
nearly to extinction the first group of true Vampires break the
masquerade and revel themselves to the public, thinking they may be
able to use human sympathy to their advantage.
2013: Vampires explain that their existence in mythology was mostly
true, and offer a public apology for crimes in the past. Explains to
public that modern vampires no longer feed on humans- subsist on animal
blood and artificially-produced blood plasmas. This is met with some
skepticism, but an unusual percentage of the population seems to go
along with it without complaint.
2013: As expected, the appearance of Vampires leads to an increase in
violence versus Vampire kind. More and more vampires continue to make
themselves known, including a number of major players in politics and
major industry.
2013: Vampires lobby to force the Government to admit to the hunting
and eradication of the Vampire clans. FBI records are uncovered showing
that almost 90% of the “Unknown” deaths reported each year are
Vampires. AIDS ws a government experiment at a silently-administered
“vaccine” against Vampire infection that backfired.
2014: Vampires lobby and are added to the list of those with “Protected
Status.” Assault to any Vampire-kind is now an established “Hate
Crime.” Thousands more Goths and Vampire Wannabes openly seek the
embrace. “Bite Mark” scarriring becomes popular among the non-embraced.
2015: Thousands of so-called “Vampire Hunters” are arrested and
prosecuted under increasingly stiff “Vampire Hate Laws.” These laws
continue to be passed without almost no resistance. Gallop polls show
Vampire acceptance to be well over 70%. TV Sitcoms begin to air. Top
Rated Shows include “Fasionable Tremere,” “Everybody loves a Malkavian.
Over 2-dozen movies hit the box office over the next few years
starring Vampires as the Heroic lead.
2016: With almost no previous announcement, the first Vampire announces
his candidacy for president. After a short Supreme Court Argument, it
is decided that the text of the Constitution decrees nothing about
human or non-human kind running for president- just age and
nationality. All Vampires born in the United States are considered
therefore nationalized and eligible for Presidency.
2016: The first Vampire is elected as President by one state. Other
parties insist on vote manipulation by some high-level form of
Dominance, demand re-vote. Courts tell opponents to stop whining.
2020: Vampires continue to face less and less resistance over the next
four years. Anti-vampire “hate crimes” continue, though at a
decreasing frequency. Instead of jail, special “Reform Camps” are
established for re-education of Vampire-based crimes. Vampire
president elected for a second term by a landslide victory.
2022: Having established a solid foothold into American life, Vampire
kind becomes less careful about guarding their secrets. The truth about
Vampire kind begins to come out.
2024: Underground militant groups begin to surface to battle the
Vampires. Most are met with a swift destruction.
Published by John on 5/07/2009 09:12:00 AM
Damn man I haven't a clue. Where did you get that picture? I need to figure this out now.
Published by Jeremy on 5/05/2009 08:54:00 PM
Monkey Fighting Snakes would make a good name for a Kung-Fu movie.
John, (or anyone really...) do these buggers look at all familiar to you?

Glowing space starfish.
Parasite Eve? Maybe a Star Trek episode?
I feel like I've seen these things before, or at least something damn similar. Maybe they were inky black... but I can't place it.
John, (or anyone really...) do these buggers look at all familiar to you?

Glowing space starfish.
Parasite Eve? Maybe a Star Trek episode?
I feel like I've seen these things before, or at least something damn similar. Maybe they were inky black... but I can't place it.
Published by Dr. Fawkes change, El Juan, internet famous, Props, rock on, Zombies on 5/05/2009 08:21:00 PM
John getting his props on. And yes, as was mentioned, you're the quote, name and site on the preview clip. Rock on.
Published by Jeremy on 5/05/2009 02:56:00 PM
Oh shit... you even got the site name in the still-frame of the youtube trailer.
Published by John on 5/04/2009 02:40:00 PM
This might be the funniest T.V. edit that I've ever seen.
Published by John on 5/04/2009 02:12:00 PM
So I almost crapped my pants on this one guys. This link is for an article on Fangoria's website. Check out the trailer about half way down the page.
Published by John on 5/04/2009 10:26:00 AM
click here
See you all laughed. Thought that I was just a weirdo.... Well I recommend that you all stay far away from WalMart, it is mine!
And yes I know it is a joke.
See you all laughed. Thought that I was just a weirdo.... Well I recommend that you all stay far away from WalMart, it is mine!
And yes I know it is a joke.
Published by John on 5/04/2009 10:21:00 AM
Wait how did I never end up with one of these back in the day?
Published by Farva on 5/03/2009 12:59:00 PM
Table Of Malcontents Just another WordPress weblog
Robot Identifies Human Flesh As Bacon
* By John Brownlee Email Author
* November 8, 2006 |
* 11:57 am |
* Categories: Uncategorized
Let the robot holocaust commence: robots think we taste like bacon.
Researchers at NEC System technologies and Mie University have designed the cute little guy to the right: a metal man gastronomist, “an electromechanical sommelier”, capable of identifying wines, cheeses, meats and hors d’oeuvres. Upon being given a sample, he will speak up in a childlike voice and identify what he has just been fed. The idea is that wineries can tell if a wine is authentic without even opening the bottle, amongst other more obscure uses…like “tell me what this strange grayish lump at the back of my freezer is/was.”
But when some smart aleck reporter placed his hand in the robot’s omnivorous clanking jaw, he was identified as bacon. A cameraman then tried and was identified as prosciutto.
Absolutely horrifying. Like cows, once robots taste blood, their hunger for human flesh can never be satiated.
Japanese unveil robot wine steward [South Coast Today]
Robot Identifies Human Flesh As Bacon
* By John Brownlee Email Author
* November 8, 2006 |
* 11:57 am |
* Categories: Uncategorized
Let the robot holocaust commence: robots think we taste like bacon.
Researchers at NEC System technologies and Mie University have designed the cute little guy to the right: a metal man gastronomist, “an electromechanical sommelier”, capable of identifying wines, cheeses, meats and hors d’oeuvres. Upon being given a sample, he will speak up in a childlike voice and identify what he has just been fed. The idea is that wineries can tell if a wine is authentic without even opening the bottle, amongst other more obscure uses…like “tell me what this strange grayish lump at the back of my freezer is/was.”
But when some smart aleck reporter placed his hand in the robot’s omnivorous clanking jaw, he was identified as bacon. A cameraman then tried and was identified as prosciutto.
Absolutely horrifying. Like cows, once robots taste blood, their hunger for human flesh can never be satiated.
Japanese unveil robot wine steward [South Coast Today]
Published by Jeremy on 5/01/2009 09:29:00 PM
Damn I'm a lazy bastard. I haven't had sound on my computer since I hooked it up. Been using headphones. But I took my headphones downstairs a few days ago to use Skype on the laptop. I figured, I have to walk downstairs anyway... might as well get my speakers. Heh...
I'd seen Bible Stories. I think I've even got the ROM of that somewhere. I'd not even heard of the others. Especially that Wolfenstein rip-off. That's... awesome really.
My Mom just watched Star Wars Ep. 1-6. Here is a one-minute review of the new trilogy she just emailed me:
"In the first movie I liked the little boy.
He was cute. The movie was ok, nothing special.
In the second one I liked yoda and Samuel L.
That is the only thing. The acting sucked.
The third one I watched just to watch it.
Now I can say I saw them all."
Fair enough. ..
"And I also watched Snakes on a Plane! Good movie!"
Coolest. Mom. Evar.
I'd seen Bible Stories. I think I've even got the ROM of that somewhere. I'd not even heard of the others. Especially that Wolfenstein rip-off. That's... awesome really.
My Mom just watched Star Wars Ep. 1-6. Here is a one-minute review of the new trilogy she just emailed me:
"In the first movie I liked the little boy.
He was cute. The movie was ok, nothing special.
In the second one I liked yoda and Samuel L.
That is the only thing. The acting sucked.
The third one I watched just to watch it.
Now I can say I saw them all."
Fair enough. ..
"And I also watched Snakes on a Plane! Good movie!"
Coolest. Mom. Evar.
Published by John on 5/01/2009 04:01:00 PM
Holy Shit Jeremy have you ever seen that SNES game? A first person shooter with Moses. I might actually have found a reason to finally buy an SNES.
Published by Dr. Fawkes blade runner, change, khaaan, no, star wars, the ipod should be vader on 5/01/2009 12:18:00 PM