Published by Jeremy on 12/26/2008 06:51:00 PM

That is incredible, Bubbles. It is a true triumph of baconkind.
Now it just needs to be cut into medallions, battered, and deep-fried.
Published by Jeremy on 12/22/2008 10:35:00 PM
Did you already have plans for Christmas Eve?
On the 24th I'm going to be heading to Akron to pick up a find off Craigslist:
$50 for a server rack.
If you and Jen are available, I'd invite you along (in two vehicles... be taking Farv's truck) and maybe hit a restaurant depending on how crazy the crowds are that night.
Did you already have plans for Christmas Eve?
On the 24th I'm going to be heading to Akron to pick up a find off Craigslist:
$50 for a server rack.
If you and Jen are available, I'd invite you along (in two vehicles... be taking Farv's truck) and maybe hit a restaurant depending on how crazy the crowds are that night.
Published by Jeremy on 12/22/2008 03:29:00 PM
Fava tried to sign up for the DVD. The mailto: link confused him though, since he runs all webmail and doesn't have a default mail client. He got stuck when it brought up the Outlook Express config window.
I could show him how to copy the address out of the link, but then I'd reduce my chances of winning.
And what little I saw of Weapon Brown was awesome.
Fava tried to sign up for the DVD. The mailto: link confused him though, since he runs all webmail and doesn't have a default mail client. He got stuck when it brought up the Outlook Express config window.
I could show him how to copy the address out of the link, but then I'd reduce my chances of winning.
And what little I saw of Weapon Brown was awesome.
Published by John on 12/22/2008 09:12:00 AM
I read Weapon Brown Friday night. Not only is it hilarious for being a Peanuts parody, but it was a pretty cool post apocalyptic story as well. Good stuff. I'll get a review together and get it back to you asap!
Published by Dr. Fawkes awesome sauce, change, read it, Weapon Brown on 12/22/2008 12:46:00 AM
John, Its John from Networks who thinks the puppet guy is hilarious. I thought he was ok.
Also, have you finished reading Weapon Brown yet? Because you need to. I gave Rob shit for taking more than 24 hours to finish 48 pages, and he has a kid. You have no such defense. And Tinkerbell doesn't count.
For the rest of you, start reading this-
I recommend clicking only the Weapon Brown links on here-
Also, have you finished reading Weapon Brown yet? Because you need to. I gave Rob shit for taking more than 24 hours to finish 48 pages, and he has a kid. You have no such defense. And Tinkerbell doesn't count.
For the rest of you, start reading this-
I recommend clicking only the Weapon Brown links on here-
Published by John on 12/22/2008 12:42:00 AM
Oh and before I forget. I've only seen an entry from one of you guys for the free DVD.
Published by John on 12/22/2008 12:39:00 AM
Damn Jeremy that is funny. Did I tell you that I was watching Rocky Horror just before I came over to the house today? I'm reviewing it for the site.
Bubbles I've never seen a copy of House by the Cemetery that isn't dubbed. I think the only version out there is the Blue Underground disc. I'll check for you. Again you really need to check out Zombie, it rocks.
Bubbles I've never seen a copy of House by the Cemetery that isn't dubbed. I think the only version out there is the Blue Underground disc. I'll check for you. Again you really need to check out Zombie, it rocks.
Published by Bubbles on 12/21/2008 01:28:00 PM
Yeah that was the first Fulci film I've tried watching. I'm going to try to find a version that is subbed instead of dubbed.
Published by John on 12/21/2008 12:39:00 AM
Bubbles you really need to give this movie a chance. There is a ton of kick ass gore. Plus how can you not love a movie where the kitchen floor is a grave marker and no one really seems to care! Though I will admit the dubbing is bad, but then that is the case for most of the Italian flicks. They always hired women to speak in "baby talk" to dub the child actors.
Is this the only Fulci movie that you have tried to watch? If so you really need to check out Zombie. It kicks much ass.
Published by Farva on 12/20/2008 11:57:00 PM
The Spirit u all should check this out . it's a cool new move.
Published by John on 12/19/2008 03:56:00 PM

Okay Nerds go over to my website at and register to win the latest DVD from Dimension Extreme, Eden Lake. They are sending me three copies to give away so sign up now. You have a good chance at winning.
Also never let it be said that I won't admit when I'm wrong. David I still think that the guy's act is really lame, but Achmed the Dead Terrorist is pretty damn funny.
Published by Bubbles on 12/10/2008 03:25:00 PM
So I just tried watching House By The Cemetery and could only get about twenty minutes in to it because the voice of the little boy was so damn annoying.
Published by Dr. Fawkes bruce campbell, change, funny, you're the man now dog, ytmnd on 12/05/2008 01:49:00 PM
Published by Jeremy on 12/01/2008 03:37:00 PM
Since we no longer play games, this Blog is now all about change.
Published by John on 12/01/2008 10:08:00 AM
FUCK FUCK FUCK... I've got to stop reading this right now before I get in trouble for laughing too loud in the library! :)
But of course this one wasn't funny..... really it wasn't.

But of course this one wasn't funny..... really it wasn't.

You laughed and yes, you are going to hell.
Published by John on 12/01/2008 10:02:00 AM
Holy Shit Bubbles this site is awesome. I was laughing my ass off when I saw this.

You laughed and yes, you are going to hell.