Scott: A double-weapon, like a quarterstaff, can either be used as a two-handed thwacking stick for 1.5x Str or it is treated like a if wielding a one-handed weapon and a light weapon- all the two-weapon penalties, 1x / .5x Str.
And I'm playing a Dwarf.
A muthafuckin'
pirate Dwarf.

What will eventually be a multi-classed Darf Sorcerer/Rogue/Fighter dealyo. Maybe.
First level will be Sorcerer, though. Why sorcerer? Because it'd take four levels of Ranger to get me a farkin' parrot, that's why! (And Druid doesn't make a damn bit of sense.)
Sorcerer could give me some sweet spells for a pirate, though. Animate Rope? Alarm? Detect Secret Doors? Obscuring Mist? Identify? Unseen Servant? Damn first level was an awesome level. Why does 2nd have to suck so hard? I'm going to need a ring of Wizardry. Or two.)
Edit: Wait... shit. Sorcerers are all about Charisma and I'm dog ugly.
Like... CHA 5. You wanna' fight about it? Shit... I don't wanna' be pretty! And druids don't make any sense! Grr...
I guess it's going to have to be a Wizard, then. 0 and 1st level scrolls are cheap as piss to make. Maybe I can just stock up on 'em and get the same effect as my Sorcerer levels? (Though just lookin' angry at the mainsail and having it rig itself was pretty cool.)
Yeah, I know John is the DM. I know we're playing old modules. I know I'm going to spend 90% of my time in a cave or a sewer. I'm farkin' cave pirate alright? Don't make me stick this hook in your eye.Bubs: Are you still trying to wield an oversized two-handed axe in each hand? Or just one friggin' 'uge axe?
The one friggin' 'uge, yes. A two-handed weapon made larger is still considered a two-handed weapon. You'd have to start with a one handed M battleaxe (1d8) sized up to a L battleaxe (1d10). Or a Dwarven axe with the feat.
(Actually, hell... using the sizing rules you could wield a "halfling sized" greataxe (1d10) one handed, then scale it to a medium greataxe (1d12) just fine, since it started as a one-handed weapon. Meh. )
I still don't think that would work in the off-hand, though, because of that last line in MG. Though something like a Large Dwarven Axe in the main hand, and a normal Dwarven Axe in the off-hand would still work with those feats.
Unless you got something else? I swear I've seen like three different versions of this same feat in different printings.
Monkey Grip [Complete Warrior]
You are able to use a larger weapon that other people your size.
Prerequisite: BA +1
Benefit: You can use melee weapons one size category larger than you are with a -2 penalty on the attack roll, but the amount of effort it takes you to use the weapon does not change. For instance, a Large longsword (a one-handed weapon for a Large creature) is considered a two-handed weapon for a Medium creature that does not have this feat. For a Medium creature that has this feat, it is still considered a one-handed weapon. You can wield a larger light weapon as a light weapon, or a larger two-handed weapon in two hands. You cannot wield a larger weapon in our off hand, and you cannot use this feat with double weapons.
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting [Complete Adventurer]
You are adept at wielding larger than normal weapons in your off hand.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Benefit: When wielding a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you take penalties for fighting with two weapons as if you were wielding a light weapon in your off hand