Published by Jeremy on 12/26/2008 06:51:00 PM

That is incredible, Bubbles. It is a true triumph of baconkind.
Now it just needs to be cut into medallions, battered, and deep-fried.
Published by Jeremy on 12/22/2008 10:35:00 PM
Did you already have plans for Christmas Eve?
On the 24th I'm going to be heading to Akron to pick up a find off Craigslist:
$50 for a server rack.
If you and Jen are available, I'd invite you along (in two vehicles... be taking Farv's truck) and maybe hit a restaurant depending on how crazy the crowds are that night.
Did you already have plans for Christmas Eve?
On the 24th I'm going to be heading to Akron to pick up a find off Craigslist:
$50 for a server rack.
If you and Jen are available, I'd invite you along (in two vehicles... be taking Farv's truck) and maybe hit a restaurant depending on how crazy the crowds are that night.
Published by Jeremy on 12/22/2008 03:29:00 PM
Fava tried to sign up for the DVD. The mailto: link confused him though, since he runs all webmail and doesn't have a default mail client. He got stuck when it brought up the Outlook Express config window.
I could show him how to copy the address out of the link, but then I'd reduce my chances of winning.
And what little I saw of Weapon Brown was awesome.
Fava tried to sign up for the DVD. The mailto: link confused him though, since he runs all webmail and doesn't have a default mail client. He got stuck when it brought up the Outlook Express config window.
I could show him how to copy the address out of the link, but then I'd reduce my chances of winning.
And what little I saw of Weapon Brown was awesome.
Published by John on 12/22/2008 09:12:00 AM
I read Weapon Brown Friday night. Not only is it hilarious for being a Peanuts parody, but it was a pretty cool post apocalyptic story as well. Good stuff. I'll get a review together and get it back to you asap!
Published by Dr. Fawkes awesome sauce, change, read it, Weapon Brown on 12/22/2008 12:46:00 AM
John, Its John from Networks who thinks the puppet guy is hilarious. I thought he was ok.
Also, have you finished reading Weapon Brown yet? Because you need to. I gave Rob shit for taking more than 24 hours to finish 48 pages, and he has a kid. You have no such defense. And Tinkerbell doesn't count.
For the rest of you, start reading this-
I recommend clicking only the Weapon Brown links on here-
Also, have you finished reading Weapon Brown yet? Because you need to. I gave Rob shit for taking more than 24 hours to finish 48 pages, and he has a kid. You have no such defense. And Tinkerbell doesn't count.
For the rest of you, start reading this-
I recommend clicking only the Weapon Brown links on here-
Published by John on 12/22/2008 12:42:00 AM
Oh and before I forget. I've only seen an entry from one of you guys for the free DVD.
Published by John on 12/22/2008 12:39:00 AM
Damn Jeremy that is funny. Did I tell you that I was watching Rocky Horror just before I came over to the house today? I'm reviewing it for the site.
Bubbles I've never seen a copy of House by the Cemetery that isn't dubbed. I think the only version out there is the Blue Underground disc. I'll check for you. Again you really need to check out Zombie, it rocks.
Bubbles I've never seen a copy of House by the Cemetery that isn't dubbed. I think the only version out there is the Blue Underground disc. I'll check for you. Again you really need to check out Zombie, it rocks.
Published by Bubbles on 12/21/2008 01:28:00 PM
Yeah that was the first Fulci film I've tried watching. I'm going to try to find a version that is subbed instead of dubbed.
Published by John on 12/21/2008 12:39:00 AM
Bubbles you really need to give this movie a chance. There is a ton of kick ass gore. Plus how can you not love a movie where the kitchen floor is a grave marker and no one really seems to care! Though I will admit the dubbing is bad, but then that is the case for most of the Italian flicks. They always hired women to speak in "baby talk" to dub the child actors.
Is this the only Fulci movie that you have tried to watch? If so you really need to check out Zombie. It kicks much ass.
Published by Farva on 12/20/2008 11:57:00 PM
The Spirit u all should check this out . it's a cool new move.
Published by John on 12/19/2008 03:56:00 PM

Okay Nerds go over to my website at and register to win the latest DVD from Dimension Extreme, Eden Lake. They are sending me three copies to give away so sign up now. You have a good chance at winning.
Also never let it be said that I won't admit when I'm wrong. David I still think that the guy's act is really lame, but Achmed the Dead Terrorist is pretty damn funny.
Published by Bubbles on 12/10/2008 03:25:00 PM
So I just tried watching House By The Cemetery and could only get about twenty minutes in to it because the voice of the little boy was so damn annoying.
Published by Dr. Fawkes bruce campbell, change, funny, you're the man now dog, ytmnd on 12/05/2008 01:49:00 PM
Published by Jeremy on 12/01/2008 03:37:00 PM
Since we no longer play games, this Blog is now all about change.
Published by John on 12/01/2008 10:08:00 AM
FUCK FUCK FUCK... I've got to stop reading this right now before I get in trouble for laughing too loud in the library! :)
But of course this one wasn't funny..... really it wasn't.

But of course this one wasn't funny..... really it wasn't.

You laughed and yes, you are going to hell.
Published by John on 12/01/2008 10:02:00 AM
Holy Shit Bubbles this site is awesome. I was laughing my ass off when I saw this.

You laughed and yes, you are going to hell.
Published by Jeremy on 11/27/2008 01:57:00 PM
The PETAphiles are a special kind of crazy idiot, but I've got to admit occasionally they're kind of awesome.
Published by Dr. Fawkes on 11/25/2008 10:21:00 AM
Enjoy some cooking games this thanksgiving.
and for those like myself who want a thanksgiving massacre wallpaper without PETArds' mark, I present this cleaned version of the wallpaper.

Published by Jeremy on 11/19/2008 11:47:00 PM
Well... I'm without water at the new house again. I finally got what I needed to get the bathroom plumbed and re-pressurize the system and I've still got a leak on the hot water heater. Except on close inspection it isn't coming through the threads on the screw-on connector. It's coming from between the cold water nib and the surrounding insulation.
I've got a return auth from the manufacturer for a possible damaged or defective item. Just need to drop it back off at Lowes and try again, I guess.
I've got a return auth from the manufacturer for a possible damaged or defective item. Just need to drop it back off at Lowes and try again, I guess.

Published by John on 11/14/2008 09:04:00 AM
I know that we really aren't gamers anymore but I was sort of bummed by this news.
I guess it is the sign of the times with a bad economy and all. And it isn't nearly as traumatic as the loss of TSR was, but I'm still bummed.
Also for the couple of you that I don't see that much I wanted to point you towards my new website.

I have a weekly web comic that is updated every Friday and movie reviews that are updated every day! Between that and taking my FUBAR to Jeremy's bathroom I've been busy. :)
I guess it is the sign of the times with a bad economy and all. And it isn't nearly as traumatic as the loss of TSR was, but I'm still bummed.
Also for the couple of you that I don't see that much I wanted to point you towards my new website.

I have a weekly web comic that is updated every Friday and movie reviews that are updated every day! Between that and taking my FUBAR to Jeremy's bathroom I've been busy. :)
Published by John on 11/12/2008 11:38:00 AM
See now I would buy that! But then I was forward thinking enough to vote for change. :P
Published by Dunesmuggler on 11/06/2008 10:58:00 AM
Why did so many homeless people vote for Obama?
They want change.
They want change.
Published by Jeremy on 11/05/2008 10:27:00 PM
Holy shit that's funny. (CSI / Horatio gags are a weakness of mine.)
I see Scott's not pullin' any punches here.
I see Scott's not pullin' any punches here.

Published by Bubbles on 11/04/2008 03:06:00 PM
I forgot what email I used for this login for a while...
Published by Jeremy on 10/25/2008 10:13:00 PM
Halloween approaches. What better way to celebrate than the ritual mutilation of squash?
Jen went for the traditional jack'o'lantern.

Even after a long time scraping, the flesh on these pumpkins was still way too thick for a mere candle. So, 400w of halogen bulb later, we have illumination equal to that of a small sun. (As well as the heat, judging by the amount of steam...)

No amount of flame could make up for the fact that I couldn't remember what a tiki idol was actually supposed to look like, but the effect was good enough.
Farva decided to show us all how it's done when his retard googly-eyes turned into a kick-ass bat.

Oh... annd... we got a dog. Well, dogs... on the cheap, so I got two.
Brother and sister Toy Fox Terriers, two months old, and apparently Mexican. They may have been rescued from the Humane Society but they will never forget la jaula. The unstoppable combo of cuteness, in the steel cage match to end all matches.
Fun fact:
According to Babelfish, chupa cabra translates literally into "it absorbs goats."
Which is... amazingly accurate, actually.
Ok, so this entire post was basically for my family. There are maybe six people that still check this blog regularly, and four of them were at my house... so none of this is really new.
Jen went for the traditional jack'o'lantern.

Even after a long time scraping, the flesh on these pumpkins was still way too thick for a mere candle. So, 400w of halogen bulb later, we have illumination equal to that of a small sun. (As well as the heat, judging by the amount of steam...)

No amount of flame could make up for the fact that I couldn't remember what a tiki idol was actually supposed to look like, but the effect was good enough.
Farva decided to show us all how it's done when his retard googly-eyes turned into a kick-ass bat.

Oh... annd... we got a dog. Well, dogs... on the cheap, so I got two.

Fun fact:
According to Babelfish, chupa cabra translates literally into "it absorbs goats."
Which is... amazingly accurate, actually.
Ok, so this entire post was basically for my family. There are maybe six people that still check this blog regularly, and four of them were at my house... so none of this is really new.
Published by Jeremy on 10/25/2008 07:21:00 AM
It's not like it's Australia, where 9-out-of-every-10 animals are poisonous. (The 10th is fuzzy and adorable, but will still try to rip off your face.)
And while looking for animal pics I found some interesting facts. Apparently earlier in the year deep-sea researchers poking around the abyssal plain decided to bring a Cthulu-spawn to the surface.
And while looking for animal pics I found some interesting facts. Apparently earlier in the year deep-sea researchers poking around the abyssal plain decided to bring a Cthulu-spawn to the surface.
Published by Dunesmuggler on 10/24/2008 01:46:00 PM
Isn't that why they filmed those movies there?
Cause they could just use the natural flora and not mess around with special effects for the spider scenes?
Cause they could just use the natural flora and not mess around with special effects for the spider scenes?
Published by Jeremy on 10/23/2008 09:02:00 PM
Giant spiders are something every party in New Zealand has to encounter at one point or another. It's a part of life down there- on the journey between the Shire and the Elven city.
Published by John on 10/23/2008 10:47:00 AM
Hey Jeremy you sure you want to live in New Zeland? I don't think I would want to live anywhere that the spiders are big enough to eat the freaking birds!

Published by John on 10/23/2008 07:27:00 AM
I can do that Jeremy, though he does check the blog. :)
Do you know if Farve is coming? I mean of all of us he should be the one most used to shitting in the woods.
Did Jennifer tell you that I've already scored a company for the website? Legend films agreed to send me screeners (I have 10 free movies coming!) before Gutmunchers goes live. Yeah I'm a big deal on the internets.
Do you know if Farve is coming? I mean of all of us he should be the one most used to shitting in the woods.
Did Jennifer tell you that I've already scored a company for the website? Legend films agreed to send me screeners (I have 10 free movies coming!) before Gutmunchers goes live. Yeah I'm a big deal on the internets.
Published by Jeremy on 10/22/2008 07:02:00 PM
John, you should let the good Doctor know I'll be there.
I shall consume charred meatflesh on sticks and piss behind a tree. And it shall be good.
I shall consume charred meatflesh on sticks and piss behind a tree. And it shall be good.
Published by Dr. Fawkes fire, hey yall, inflatable sheep on 10/20/2008 10:05:00 AM
I'm having a big bonfire at some property I own near Killbuck (hour south of Wooster) this weekend. There will be hotdogs (I know Farva loves the phallic meats.) and maybe some other stuff grilling. The fire starts at 6pm and goes till I run out of things to burn. If you want to attend, let me know here or through John with an email address to send you details by Wednesday.
One note, my property is remote. Like Mafia body farm remote. Its about 30 minutes to the nearest public restroom. So, be ready to get comfortable with nature if you can't hold it.
I would say if you're thinking about bringing a date, make sure they know this too, but then I remember who I was talking to. The only one who'd actually be able to get a date would be Farva, and s/he'd be inflatable.
One note, my property is remote. Like Mafia body farm remote. Its about 30 minutes to the nearest public restroom. So, be ready to get comfortable with nature if you can't hold it.
I would say if you're thinking about bringing a date, make sure they know this too, but then I remember who I was talking to. The only one who'd actually be able to get a date would be Farva, and s/he'd be inflatable.
Published by Jeremy on 10/13/2008 05:52:00 PM
Bwaaahha.... Jesus Ska.
The "Reefer is my Friend" remix linked at the end of that video is even funnier.
The "Reefer is my Friend" remix linked at the end of that video is even funnier.
Published by John on 10/13/2008 07:45:00 AM
The internets scares me sometimes with it's awesomeness. :)
Published by Jeremy on 10/09/2008 12:00:00 PM
Can you call your sister and get some more info about that table? I've got about fifty questions I could ask, but all I really need is the name of the manufacturer and the a model name or number, and I can look up the rest. (Ex. Mizerak Prescott, Brunswick Centurion, etc.)
Can you call your sister and get some more info about that table? I've got about fifty questions I could ask, but all I really need is the name of the manufacturer and the a model name or number, and I can look up the rest. (Ex. Mizerak Prescott, Brunswick Centurion, etc.)
Published by John on 9/15/2008 11:04:00 AM
Hey guys I just posted my blog about the weekend on my MySpace page.
Published by Jeremy on 9/14/2008 12:39:00 PM
Thank you for educating me on the terrible secrets of space, Dr. Fawkes.
Published by John on 9/12/2008 10:13:00 AM
The internet rules. :)
Be warned this is NSFW. There are graphic scenes of Muppet masturbation.
Be warned this is NSFW. There are graphic scenes of Muppet masturbation.
Published by Dr. Fawkes on 9/11/2008 11:05:00 PM
Ok, its been brought to my attention people here are ignorant of one of the less wide known, but no less important memes, the Terrible Secret of Space.
We'll start with the background. This is an old ICQ prank chat. This was done by the people who started All Your Base.
Read it all? No? Good.
Next up is the Laziest Men on Mars music video. These are the guys who brought you the All Your Base video. There's a lot of overlap.
and Finally, highly relevant in this election year....
Do you have stairs in your house?
We'll start with the background. This is an old ICQ prank chat. This was done by the people who started All Your Base.
Read it all? No? Good.
Next up is the Laziest Men on Mars music video. These are the guys who brought you the All Your Base video. There's a lot of overlap.
and Finally, highly relevant in this election year....
Do you have stairs in your house?
Published by Jeremy on 9/11/2008 10:53:00 AM
What time were we planning on heading out Friday? I've got the day off so I can do that "stay up late, sleep past noon..." thing tonight to prep for the all-night moviethon, but I may stop into work for an hour or so in the afternoon depending on when we head out. (Hey... less spent vacation time that way!)
Oh- and I'll be home by 3:30p today. Give me a call before you head out. I'm down for some fair foods.
P.S. How dare you not think of the childrens! Childrens are at risk, and you're not thinking of them! This is how terrurists win. You should be ashamed of not thinking of the childrens on 9-11. 9-11.
What time were we planning on heading out Friday? I've got the day off so I can do that "stay up late, sleep past noon..." thing tonight to prep for the all-night moviethon, but I may stop into work for an hour or so in the afternoon depending on when we head out. (Hey... less spent vacation time that way!)
Oh- and I'll be home by 3:30p today. Give me a call before you head out. I'm down for some fair foods.
P.S. How dare you not think of the childrens! Childrens are at risk, and you're not thinking of them! This is how terrurists win. You should be ashamed of not thinking of the childrens on 9-11. 9-11.
Published by John on 9/10/2008 10:07:00 AM,2933,420096,00.html
So in England if I choose to walk my dog in the park or like to eat a picnic lunch I'm a suspected child molester. Guys this is why people my age who have chosen not to have kids get really pissed off. Somehow that makes us odd or strange. I understand this is England, but America is just as bad.
So in England if I choose to walk my dog in the park or like to eat a picnic lunch I'm a suspected child molester. Guys this is why people my age who have chosen not to have kids get really pissed off. Somehow that makes us odd or strange. I understand this is England, but America is just as bad.
Published by John on 9/09/2008 02:29:00 PM
Farve and Jeremy - Dave and I are going to get some Fair food on Thursday. Since that is the day I was coming over anyway to stay up late you guys want to grab some eats with us? We could walk around and win a goldfish or something. :)
Published by Farva on 9/07/2008 04:06:00 PM
i knew it was wierd that i liked house and now i know why house is on black adder holey shit !!!!
Published by John on 9/05/2008 10:24:00 AM
Is there a better way to get ready for the weekend then a bit of Black Adder? I think not.
Published by John on 8/28/2008 07:44:00 AM
Oh and Pineapple Express is a terrible movie, but not any worse than Hamlet 2. :(
Published by John on 8/28/2008 07:41:00 AM
I don't know if you guys are familar with Lloyd Kaufman but he is the director of the Toxic Avenger (along with tons of other movies). He has been crusading against big companies trying to control the film industry and the internet for a couple of years now. Check out the video, it is a pretty nifty little statement about what is happening with the internet.
Published by Jeremy on 8/23/2008 07:13:00 AM
I thought Pineapple Express looked retarded from the trailers, but Bubbs said it was hilarious, so yeah... why not.
Published by John on 8/22/2008 02:17:00 PM
Hey Farve and Jeremy. I know we had talked about getting together for a movie night on Saturday but how would you guys feel about a trip to the drive-in? They are playing a double feature of Tropic Thunder and Pineapple Express. This is one of the better double features of the summer. Let me know what you guys think.
The House of the Dead: OVERKILL - UNCUT trailer - Wii
Published by Jeremy on 8/19/2008 07:40:00 PMDude...
Published by Farva on 8/18/2008 10:49:00 PM
jon it will be thr before i can get out there for the lawn
Published by Jeremy on 8/15/2008 10:32:00 PM
Huh. I'd tried to link this from YouTube like two weeks ago. I wonder why it's showing up now?
Published by John on 8/12/2008 07:49:00 AM
I am stunned by the awesomeness that is Bacon Wrapped Boobs............
Published by Farva on 8/10/2008 01:31:00 AM
when is( my name is Bruce coming out)?
i would lov to know.
i would lov to know.
Published by Jeremy on 8/09/2008 09:59:00 PM
Sweet. Warhammer Online Closed Beta invite.
9.33GB client. Holy shit.
Downloadable through Torrent. Estimated arrival at current speeds in 2-14 weeks.
I'll let you know next month how the game is.
9.33GB client. Holy shit.
Downloadable through Torrent. Estimated arrival at current speeds in 2-14 weeks.
I'll let you know next month how the game is.

Published by Jeremy on 8/02/2008 04:23:00 PM
John, you'll probably appreciate this more than Farv:

The Stanley Fubar. 30" of two-handed hardened steel.
The perfect survival tool for any zombie invasion.
Board bender
Demolition hammer with ripping hook
Nail-puller / Pry bar
One-piece, forged steel sledge hammer
Textured grip for excellent comfort and control even when wet (or bloody.)
Beveled nail slot for pulling and prying nails.
2-tiered jaw sized for 2x lumber and decking.
Notched to fit a fire hydrant valve.
Tip designed to enable closing of gas vavles.

The Stanley Fubar. 30" of two-handed hardened steel.
The perfect survival tool for any zombie invasion.
Board bender
Demolition hammer with ripping hook
Nail-puller / Pry bar
One-piece, forged steel sledge hammer
Textured grip for excellent comfort and control even when wet (or bloody.)
Beveled nail slot for pulling and prying nails.
2-tiered jaw sized for 2x lumber and decking.
Notched to fit a fire hydrant valve.
Tip designed to enable closing of gas vavles.