I can't find a single feat I'm interested in for my Paladin/Soulblade out of a dozen different PDFs. Though I do kind of wish I'd had gone ahead and played an Elan instead of a Human. Elan have a racial feat which allow them to survive without food or water. =P

Dustin, I'm taking a feat from
Book of Exalted Deeds. Nimbus of Light:"You are cloaked in a radiant light that marks you as a servant of the purest ideals. All who look upon you know without a doubt that you are a champion of good and are favored by the powers of the Upper Planes.
Benefit: Good creatures automatically recognize the radiants surrounding you as a sign of your purity and devotion to the powers of good. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made when interacting with good creatures. (Woo-freakin-hoo.)
Your radiance sheds light as a common lamp: bright light to a radius of 5 feet and shadowy illumination to 10 feet. You can extinguish this radiance at will and reactive it again as a free action.
So... yeah. I'm a motherfuckin' light(bulb) of God. Even the next feat up the chain (at level 6) is laughably useless. It turns the dimmer switch of God up to high, enlarging the bright light to a 10' radius. Which deals 1d4 points of damage to undead a round. I mean... holy shit! A d4! Those 1/4HD skeletons would be all like "daaaaaaaymn."
I ARE PALADINCAT!Bubbles - I'm reading through Complete Divine looking for any worthwhile feats for my Paladin. I took a look at Augment Healing while I was here. (It gives you +2 per
level of the spell (not your caster level.) +2 on Cure Lts, +4 on Mods, +6 on Serious, +14 on Heal, etc.
It doesn't double your caster level bonus (that still caps out with the spell) but it can push the bonus to above +5/+10/etc.
"An 8th level cleric with the Healing domain and this feat casting Cure Moderate Wounds would restore 2d8+13 hp (9 for his caster level including the +1 level bonus for the healing domain, +4 for the feat.)"Farva - I still haven't found that healing feat you're looking for. Closest I've found is Sacred Healing - Spend a turn attempt and grant Fast Healing 3 (heal 3pts a round) to all living creatures in a 60ft burst.